Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4.22.14 We NEVER do Anything!

My kids have been exclaiming their sadness at the sad state of their lives. So I invite you to take a walk with me through a mere 4 days of doing nothing. It shouldn't take long right. Nothing to report, end of post?

Well Thursday we hosted an Easter Party for my children and 13 of their closest friends. Complete with egg hunt, egg races, softball, pizza dinner, and visiting about their school day after three drivers brought all those children to our home! It was super fun! I love meeting my kids friends. Observing how they interact, how they talk and react to each other. It has made me so grateful for the MANY great families that are doing such a fabulous job raising kind, fun, imaginative, energetic kids that make good choices and make school a good place to be.
The pizza party. Love our big table

 After the quick party- which was so good thanks to my mom who did all the cooking of pizza and cutting of veggies, and to the other mom who so graciously did what ever needed to be done- we headed to the monthly Cub Scout Pack Meeting. Where Greg presented two scouts with their arrow of lights and awarded numerous other awards.
The next morning was early piano lessons on to a service project for our neighbor. We weeded her flower beds for a couple of hours then headed home to do our weekly chores and the girls helped grandma Saunders make some delicious cinnamon twists for the ward activity that night.

We had planned to go camping Friday night, but Mark announced he was sick so we called it off. After much sadness from many of our Clan we decided he would live and we quickly packed, cooked and headed out the door. It was nice to get away. The kids slept in tents, we slept in a cabin with the little girls. We used the outhouse successfully, hiked, shot guns and bows and arrows and enjoyed being together where it is quiet and peaceful. It rests the too busy and stressed soul to be in nature for a while.

A baby trap. They are close in age and just happy to be mobile.

Livy headed off on a happy adventure.

Event he little guys can do it with help!

Our bow hunter enthusiast. She is super competitive this may be her 'thing'

Lots of helpers

Super flexible Liza was having a great time teaching her siblings. She had learned at an activity day- she was the only girl who could or would shoot the bow.

She looks like she got hit, she was fine.

We came home to cook some more, then Greg and I headed to the Ward Relief Society Birthday Dinner Party. It was a hot dog roast with side dishes. I took potato salad and baked beans. It was a good dinner which was followed by more shooting. Greg had a good time and I was impressed with his skills. I don't shoot anymore, one more old me thing gone for the time being.

Sunday was the special Easter program I had scripted and forgotten to email to my music people. They pulled it off and it was very nice. On to Addie's primary talk we remembered when we read the bulletin before Sacrament meeting started and then quickly to the primary class Greg and I team teach.
Home to make more food for the family Easter party and on to that gathering. From there we hunted eggs and pulled about 50 stickers out of Livy's feet- she had removed her shoes in time to go into a spot where the stickers were thick!
We progressed to a beautiful musical program about Christ's life, death and resurrection in Nyssa. Finally we headed home around 6:30. By then I was dead.
Drop dead! Green in the gills dead. Died when we got home tired. However, after some rest I was surprisingly much much better. So in our rush of doing we did not do much. I will have to work harder to come up with something entertaining for my children! Ugh.
The kids hiked this hill. See them on the rocks? They went up and down about 20 times in a mere 5 hours. They were tired campers when we finally got in the car. Such good times.