Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Working weekend

One aspect of being on social media is learning about activities we should probably attend. Friday I read that cans needed to be sorted or rebagged at the kids school. I have done this for 12 years and was shocked by how much easier it has become. We used to have to sort by brand and even specifics like only beer cans in a bag, only dr. pepper in another. We had to know what company made what drink like sprite versus 7-up. IT was tedious and took some time. Now we simply dump the empty cans from the donation bags to the required blue bags. 
I worked with these two. They were pleasant and efficient we got a lot done. 
At home, we worked on cleaning up some of the garden. We cut down some ginormous sunflowers and removed the rotting vine plants. 

Bruce is up for any work that involves driving the 4 wheeler. We also cleaned out my tubs of dirt. And I planted some fall crops lettuce, peas and beets.
This kale is the most prolific long producing plant. I planted it in April have harvested all summer and it's still going strong. More water and care would probably help it quite a bunch, but I was shocked to see so much kale ready to harvest. I add it to smoothies its not bad all blended up. 
Bruce had the job of sawing down sunflowers. We try to leave roots in the ground to feed the microbes and hold the soil. 
Livy was pulling weeds to make space for the sprinkler pipes that need to be piled for winter.
Lia decided she was big enough to mow we are bagging pilling the grass for more composting and mulching beds for winter. 
On Saturday we were asked to help a family spread compost on their lawn. We found all the shovels we could and loaded up to go work. It's been years since we worked together as a family on a service project for someone else. It's always satisfying to see how much we can get done. 
The owner asked us to spread the compost thick and all over. 
Kids helped load containers to take to various places around the yard. 
Addie and Greg kept the wheelbarrows going back and forth. They are strong and focused workers. I helped fill empty barrows but these two drove them back and forth spreading and shoveling in between. 
After that was done we came home to clean the combine as a final step before harvest. Mark drove it up from the farm. He so wants to drive the combine and harvest the corn. Maybe he will find some time to do that this year. 
I'm really pleased with his effort he took the machine apart to replace and repair various problems. It was not easy and had lots of steps but he got it done. We are so thankful for his ability. I've realized lately that's a given at our house. Greg expects his kids to be able to do things. There is nothing he doesn't think they can do with some instruction. That's empowering and true. They can and do figure out how to do what has to be done. 

There was extra compost so we shoveled it in a trailer and brought it home. Reed and I are so excited. I'm working to add to the pile. 
Then we harvested for a while. I miss working with Reed. He loves the garden and is really good at finding produce. Here he is finding carrots. I pulled some more delicious beets. The cover crop rye has grown to be a nice mat. And the marigolds are taking over!

I'm so thankful for adjustments to meds and fine-tuning dosage and herbal supplements that I can work and stay active with my family. Not too long ago I would have stayed home and rested or died after just one of these activities. It's so glrogloriousious to have energy again and desire to leave my house and do things. I'm thankful for these resourceful kids who do so much and have so much energy and ability. We are blessed and life is very good. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fruit canning

The time for fall harvest is here. Peaches and pears are staples of life here, yet it's really nice to have help. I try to purchase so that can happen. This year not planning on the reunion I hoped we would can on Monday. After visiting and traveling it was a hard push but with so many hands we got several done. Addie had gotten home a few hours before us and started boiling water and blanching peaches. When we walked into the kitchen sinks were full and we could go to work. These are my willing peeling crew.
I've been working to reduce the amount of sugar I am adding to our life. The kids take his as a challenge and dip every peach in sugar. Sometimes as Lia is showing they just have to ingest raw sugar. She scoops a cup then licks her finger and puts it in the sugar, puts the coated finger in her mouth and gets her sweet fix. The struggle is real1

I went to Weiser to watch Addie run. I took the fuel efficient car which we stuffed full of peaches, pears, watermelons, and the weekly groceries.
Fresh pico di giallo is so yummy. I whipped this up one night to have with tacos. Spaghetti and Tacos are happening a lot right now as life is so busy and hot!
ADdie went to the library for me she had a stack of books 2/3 as tall as her or as high as her arms could balance. When she put them in the full car it was all she could do to close the door. 
Then we had to go pick corn! 
Lia showing me her stuff from her purse. I was surprised she also had a phone in there. Oh my little lady. 

Another solo day of canning. These guys love to chop but I don't prefer to chop pears. We were listening to Henry Higgins. A delightful story that is always fun. I do so love the warm-hearted self-reliant stories of children figuring out the world. 
Livy had not felt good one day so she stayed home rather than getting sick at school. When she woke up she helped me make some fruit cocktail. She somehow was curious about yellow fever and listened to a documentary on Monday then listened to a historical fiction on Tuesday called Fever. It was a horrible disease and way to die. I am so thankful for the maturity and responsibility I see in Livy this school year. She is becoming an engaged student and does not require help doing her assignments. This si such a relief because last year around this time I was sure we were going to have to hold her back or change schools. Her teachers advised me to give her more time and thankfully this year she is keeping up and working with confidence. That is the beauty of a 4 year continuous program. 
Success! I do love homemaking projects that show completion. 
They are so willing to help! We are sticky everywhere but learning. 
I am close to done with this fruit I think. I have to make many batches of peach jam and then we are on to tomatoes and apples. It is so comforting to see full jars and shelves. We are blessed with abundance all around. Corn harvest will start sooner than I want.
I'm thankful for a mild rally in corn prices that have hit and surpassed the targets I hoped for. I'm thankful for the water being enough this year and for the energy to do what has to be done each day. We are blessed!

Lloyd Family reunion

On top of the labor day weekend was a family reunion in twin with Greg's siblings. I did not plan to go. However, Harold was willing to take some kids so the three middle girls hopped in his truck and went to Twin free of parents nad responsibilities. The reunion started off with a service project making goodie bags for foster kids. 
Megan Millie Alena, Sue, Crystal, Afton
After the temple kids headed back to his brothers to play and mingle. 
Millie and Janice play air hockey
There is always a lot of good food. Reed and his cousin Thomas are good buddies. Rishelle watching the crowd.
Lots of people and lots of help. 
Monica, and Kaden foreground, Kia, Kali, Brooke, Eric Sheryl Nathan Sue Deanne in line
Sue gives a handmade quilt to each married grandchild. Thanks to Alena's help and opinions the quilts are unique and beautiful. This one went to Kia standing in the middle. She is Kristi's second daughter. 
In addition to the reunion, each participant shared what they liked and would suggest for next year. Greg, Addie and I headed that project.
KEvin, Vance, Greg, Reed, Thomas
Mary, Addie, Cami, Emery

Eric, Addie, Amanda, Cami
Mark has been pretty tired. It was good to spend time with Anna. I was surprised when I looked up to see Reed with Denise's baby Harmony. My guys don't usually take other people's babies. They like babies though and so were totally willing to hold her. 
Harmony, Caleb, Whit, Thomas, Mark, Livy, Anna, Jacob
Kevin is all about self-sufficiency so he has a milk cow. Here he is taking a load of curious cousins to watch the nightly milking routine. 
Kasden, Deanne, Kevin, Cami, Colton
Dinner for 100 scones. 
Bryce, Conner, Brooke, MArk, Deanne, Nathan, Reed
Harold and Cousin Caleb showing off their cowboy hats. These two are vivacious and love to have a good time. I told them they looked like the good and bad cowboy. Harold of course as the villain in black and Caleb the good guy in the lighter hat. 
The cooking crew. I learned years ago to just watch and be grateful. There are plenty of skilled cooks who have their ways of providing. It's best for me to just wash dishes or stay out of the way. 
Richard, Jonathan, Brenda, Kevin, Sheryl
After a fun spend the night the kids had a few minutes to play with Nerf guns at a cousins house. 
Andrea gave some last minute love to Anna. 
One task of family gatherings is getting pictures for the annual calendar. Reed and Blaine share a birthday. I think it's interesting how they hold their heads similarly. 
The 3-4 years old playing. Merle with his back to the camera. Klay looking at the camera, Wyatt blond and James the lone redhead. 
Most of the adults like to play games. In fact, Greg and I may be the only non-game players in the family. I'm usually too tired to think competitively. And I really don't enjoy silly projects. My kids however enjoy the experience and are thankful to be included. 
Then Mark had baby Harmony. She was a very agreeable baby. 
Uncle Matt shared suckers with all the young kids. They were delighted. Jay and Matt usually bring a bag of candy to continue in the favorite uncle category. 
Bleary-eyed and refreshed we traveled home the next day. We were thankful for the time to visit and share space with family. It's pretty impressive that 12/13 families and most of the adult cousins came. We are thankful for family and the blessing of shared experiences, hopes, and dreams. And the enduring friendships that have developed over the years. We are blessed with generous hosts who are willing to feed and house that many. Life is very good.