Friday, December 18, 2020

11.20.20 poetry night

(I have been working on this post for over a month trying to get the pictures that I wanted inserted. I was so bummed and frustrated that it didn't easily work I gave up time and again, finally Addie figured out a solution and thus after a month and at least 5 times trying I have it ready to post. This was a special night!!)
A few months ago I saw that a family had had a neighborhood poetry night. Being new to homeschool and wanting to enrich my children's learning I asked my adventurous sisters if they would be willing to participate with their children. They agreed and we enjoyed a lovely poetry recitation night. My parents were good sports and shared poems or scriptures. The kids were cleaver and brave. My brother and his wife hosted in their spacious home. 

My good example parents always leading by doing what is asked also shared memorized selections. My sisters Ruth and Rachel were also prepared. 

 All participated some put more time into their selection but all did a great job. It was so good to see the kids so pleased when they were done. They were so excited to share and be a part of the activity. My good example parents always leading by doing what is asked also shared memorized selections. My sisters Ruth and Rachel were also prepared. 

NAtalie a poem about Lady Liberty? This was long and impressively done. 

Mark with his studious selection "The problem with a cat is THAT eventually it becomes a cat." Carl Sandberg.

Megan- FFA Creed

Livy- October
Titania Midsummer's night Dream.
I sure have cute family, both those that live in my house and those that are my siblings kiddos. 

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