Thursday, December 10, 2020

12.10.20 Corona year

It's so hard to accurately express the year of 2020. There have been so many great parts. These pictures showcase a few of the good times. 
Carhart makes winter so much more bearable. We have it in all sizes meaning more can enjoy working on the farm. 
Covid meant more time with Anna, and she has had many eye opening experiences as a working woman. 
My kitchen is the center of my home. We spend so much time there. And Merle who we call Man is growing up. He loves to play.
Our personal family bedtime, wake up routine has not been tied to the school schedule. Thus the kids get to see their dad at night. That has been a help!

Learning happens all the time I've worked hard to get and keep good books in front of my bookworms.

Sometimes after a week of work they enjoy a movie. We don't have a big screen TV so we gather around a laptop. Close is good. One of the major losses in COVID times is human to human touch. We don't generally lack for that here. With little ones to hold and sharing life we are blessed. 
Even the dad wanted to watch with Addie next to him. Yes he was sore but sometimes a break is just so nice. 

Cross age playing! Man was being driven around by Reed the girls were adding pillow traps. It was a busy fun night. 

Through the thick and thin of this year the happiness of our children has sustained our hope. I'm thankful that the one lasting part of this year is this family. Even though there has been a lot of yelling and some crying the dominant noise in my house is laughing, comradery, and friendship. We are blessed and thankful. 


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