Wednesday, December 10, 2014

12.10.14 John's Birthday

It is long past but I have to post that John did have a birthday. It is a hard one to catch as we are so tied up with harvest winding down, getting caught up in school, and many other normal activities. We did however make time for the traditional rich chocolate cake that he and I enjoy so much. Love that he loves chocolate as much as I do. Every year I marvel at this kid. He is so funny and relaxed.

John loves to climb high up into any tree he can manage. He scares me how high he goes and how weak the limbs appear. But he is most often found up a tree when the weather is decent. Now that the weather is more inclement he is found reading, or making lego designs, or sword fighting. He has always had a penchant for making things and for swords.

Pretty sure they are supposed to be doing something productive like picking up the room but found sword fighting to be more interesting. The swords were supposed to be unbreakable but from much use we are down to two. The solid handle of the stick horse makes for a good defensive tool as well.  Addie took the pictures and wisely chose to shoot from a distance.

I love that John is relaxed. Some of my kids are pretty chill and he is really good at rolling with life, or just ducking from the whirlwind we live in these days and doing what he prefers. He is serious about the sword play though as I hear him coaching his brothers on proper striking.

Reed is not hurt just being coaxed into joining the ruckus. John taking a breather or making a new game plan.
John is a great middle-ish kid. Not our pivot point but definitely a cool head that isn't as quick to fight as some of those around him in age. He is kind and helpful and works when you work with him and listen to him talk. He likes to talk but waits for undivided attention. He LOVES to read so much so he gets in trouble for it and he likes to play. We're glad for the diversity he provides to our too serious mentality. He has been a delight since his arrival, he's the birth I always reference as hoping it will be as nice as his. And he's the kid I always have to find when someone is missing, either in a tree or lost in a book John is a great kid to have in our family. 

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