Thursday, December 11, 2014

12.11.14 Awesome Hair

Yes he shaved his head with a razor! There are some things I do not like about having a teenage daughter. The shaving part is one that continues to be a sore spot... ha-ha.

Monday morning Reed looked normal a little later he passed by and I thought that's odd something is dfferent. Yep he had decided to self style his head!

I took him to the bathroom had him look in the mirror at how silly he looked.
He replied "I look Awesome!"

Not the result I was looking for. What's a mom to do? I thought only girls did the hack and whack thing. I keep thinking we've been through it all, but apparantly not.

So our little skunk is growing it out. I'm not about to shave his head. He likes it, although he didn't like that Anna nicknamed him skunk.
 The lady cashier at the bread store said "Oh yes, my son did that too, with a razor. Same spot." I think we made her day.
Just hoping Reed doesn't get any more awesome ideas like this anytime soon. As much trouble as the little girls cause I really can't handle them all being awesomely creative in any one day.
Best to you.

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