Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12.9.14 Harold and Anna birthday

I was smuggly thinking in Novemeber I was posting so much I would run out of things to say. Then the holidays hit and it's been non-stop ever since. Pride goeth before the fall ...! 
These two, who like to call themselves almost twins, got a year older. This is from their birthday I'm excited for the day when Harold finally passes Anna in height, I think it is coming soon. She seems to be almost done and he's just starting to broaden out. 

Funny how much these two have changed our lives for the better. I sometimes feel bad for them having to break so much ice as the oldest but am thankful for their happiness, kindness, and friendship. They are best friends. It's been hard for them to be in separate schools but good for them socially to develop other friendships too. It's fun to hear them counsel, consult, and console each other. I love being the fly on the wall listening to them solve life's dilemma's.

Waiting for candles on their birthday cake. Always do two but this year they both wanted German Chocolate. Anna is not a super chocolate fan and usually opts for some kind of white cake. Guess she's growing up.

The biggest highlight of another year is Harold's opportunity to get the Aaronic or prepratory priesthood and attend the temple. I was very sad that he could not go on his birthday as we had taken Anna the year before. Boys have to be sustained- or voted on by the congregation- and then ordained with the priesthood before they can go to the temple.

It means a lot to me that my son was ordained by these great men. He looks up to and has a special relationship with each. It takes more than just parents to raise children and we are enormously blessed to live in the midst of grandparents, uncles and aunts, and many more extended family members that bless our lives.

(A note on Harold's suit. We were invited to attend the Catholic Church rummage sale and Soup Super the Saturday prior to this ordination. I had been looking on the internet for a suit for Harold but was reeling from the $100 price tags and wondering just what size Harold might be. His first birthday activity was to go on a winter camp out with his scout troop- in the snow and rain- he was in charge of breakfast, he made breakfast burritos! However, this meant I did not have his body to take shopping. At the rummage sale this suit was hanging up amongst the other clothing items for sale. I had Anna and Aliza try it on it looked pretty good. I was so excited and felt very blessed. Best part it was only $4.00. The tie came with it, I was not loving the tie but Harold apparently likes it. Many different blessings come to us as we try to do what we can. )

We waited 5 days and went on Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving.

It has been so humbling and exciting to take our children to the temple. First because they want to do that, second because they can, and third because it is such a special place. I am thankful they have the opportunity to go so often. Anna has been more in her first year of the youth program than Greg or I went in our entire mutual experience. WOW! It makes a difference. I'm thankful they continue to choose to be worthy to go!!

It was a super busy day at the temple as all the schools in the valley were out for the holiday. The kids were coming in packs. Again so cool that so many youth would choose to get up early and head to the temple. Love the precedent and that my children could witness so many youth they don't know but that are doing the same things they are.

And finally the following Sunday Harold was able to pass the sacrament with his Uncle Jay blessing and his dad also passing. It was pretty cool to watch for a moment. The little girls were wild and crazy so I didn't sit and cry, mostly just growled at them to come back and sit down or be quiet. I did get to watch more this week and was awed that my son is that old. He also got to take his first turn walking the microphone around for sacrament meeting. He did well. He was thankful only two people stood to have it brought to them. Life goes fast. It seems not that long ago these two were my trouble makers at home but now they are funny, BUSY, and interesting teenagers. Life is good!

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