Sunday, September 11, 2016

9.11.16 introducing

One of my biggest worries prebirth was how to fit in another person. And one who requires a lot of time. I'm happy and cautious to report he us a fabulous baby. He sleeps a big chunk of the night. He loves to held, nurses great and is just a peaceful blessing. Because he is so good I'm feeling pretty good. I count this as a tender mercy and divine intervention! 

We named him Bruce Seburn. Those are family names.
My dad is bruce and seburn is a ways back on my line but there are very few of them left, at least to my knowledge. We are thankful for the many blessings he has brought. While im not trusting myself with making lots of decisions or being the most tactful person, all in all the transition  is going well. Kids are surviving well so now on to a busy week two with our new little chief. A sign fortold by this funny tomato we got this year.

And just for sake of recording with aliza and john home this week we made and canned a batch of spaghetti  sauce and salsa on Tuesday  then 30 qts of  peaches on Thursday and picked over 100 lbs of pears from the neighbors  on Saturday.  So not too much sitting around but enough to just adore this sweet baby. Anticipating  a much less productive  week with kids all back in school. That may be a good thing too! Best to you.

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