Wednesday, September 21, 2016

9.21.16 bone soup

With all my sitting I have lots of time to pursue the internet. And with all this sitting I was in hopes my baby was gaining and growing fat. Not so much. So back to sitting more trying to sleep more and no pacifier just nursing and pumping and then repeat. Its working slowly but surely.

As the old adage goes you can't run the cow around the pasture and expect lots of milk. (i live in cattle country this resonates with folks round these parts). While I strive to sit and let laundry, dishes and dirt accumulate till capable culprits come home from school the mere business of getting to and from activities and keeping a slight eye on the littles (who suddenly wake up early and refuse to nap) this wears me out.

Thus looking for help in getting more milk into my baby. One suggestion was bone soup. The old method of restoring health. It's often the first offering after sickness, surgery, or injury. Being that I have one home sick going on day 5 and trying to be more abundant in lactation myself I ordered some bones, read several recipes and am simmering bone soup!

I was shocked to find I live in a veritable garden of Eden. Free range organic grass fed happy animals are abundant outside my door. I'm breatnhing in all their goodness! Not to mention I'm saving or sitting on a good mine of health. It's amazing how much people pay for those animals or byproducts online.
A friend sent half a gallon of fresh goat milk for dinner. Hallelujah as that is a great supplement for my baby. He likes it too! Again wholesome goodness!!
Off to strain my liquid gold bone soup... And eat more fat which was the other suggestion for helping him gain.

Sidenote: my chickens were spared the pot this time. Chicken feet are the secret ingredient. I asked Greg and Sue to help me kill a chicken, both said no. Reed and Millie were up for it I just ran out of gusto and time. Maybe next week... If this soup cures some of the coughing going on here my chicken flock might be cut in number soon starting with the fighting roosters- hack hack!

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