Wednesday, September 21, 2016

9.13.16 around here

Life has not stopped around here. Although I sincerely wish it would slow down. I'm finding I did a lot more than i realized as I'm sitting nursing and holding Bruce for many hours these days. He continues to be a fabulous baby, I just forget how much time it takes to grow a baby on the outside! But I keep telling myself " I can do this I CAN do this, I hope!"

 The kids are doing ok just missing  individual parent attention. You can tell they are really morose about the whole situation.

Although that has some trade offs as they do enjoy the various gifts of nourishment that have been brought. This might was hot fudge Sundays courtesy of my parents.

The olders are doing well filling in some gaps. Harold works with Greg now after school. We miss him but it's been good for him to learn and help his swamped dad.  This when he gets home he is ready to talk and play. The little girls love the attention and the older girls are more than happy to chatter away with him. A major bonus of the boy girl dynamic here is how they draw each other out in conversation.
Trying to ease some of the monotony of mom just sitting and nursing I bought some more arrows for bow practice. Aliza showi g her skills getting her arrow directly through the water bottle target!

Reed as the big brother. School is a trial for him as it is so much sitting. Thank goodness for science, p.e., and recess or it would be unbearable. We sure miss him but are glad he is learning and try to reassure him it will get better. In the meantime he wrestles, chases, and plays as much as he can with the little girls to help him unwind from the long days away.

After church on Sunday Afton was impressed with this ladies chair. These two are close to the oldest and youngest I'm our ward. This lady is so happy and kind she literally loved and traveled all over the world with her family. Its pretty see inspiring to learn bits of her life story.

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