Monday, September 21, 2020

9.21.20 Educated at home

I started school this year on August 17, to see if I could actually teach all 7 kids. That's a lot! I bought some cool markers and invested in some math curriculum. The kids did well. I learned white boards bring much less resistance. I like writing on the white board too, we use it everyday with almost every lesson. 
I want my kids to understand what is going on in America we watched the Republican National convention it was inspiring and educational the stories about being held hostage, overcoming communism, service and life as an American were eye opening. 

These are pictures of the kids on zoom. Don't they look super engaged? I was trying to make it work hoping going against my gut and my heart. The experience did not get better it got worse as the teacher worked to keep and gets on the same page, make the technology work, and still try to teach the kids new information. 

We tried for 6 days of school Everyday I was mad, disappointed, and frustrated. Finally enough was aenough and I pulled the Reed, Livy, & Millie fromt he zoom classroom. Mark never attended and had no intention of participating. Thus I became the boss of our life again- more or less with kid resistance, farm emergencies and necessities. So each day I work to add education to the day we work through our text books and read, sing, memorize, pray etc to learn about the world around us nad ot stretch our mind and understanding of the country we live. 

A big part of school is dealing with everyone always together. Bruce got these awesome magnets for his birthday he plays with them everyday. Merle has learned to grab his toes he studies them and will bounce for an hour or so while I teach the other kids. 
The two brudders. Merle sporting some mean mosquito bites after raspberry picking. Bruce just loves being the big brother. 
Afton is coming along she is the kindergartener. We have had some fun lessons with the number ten as she is our number ten. She is eager and so kind. She is very quick to share and notices the needs of others. I love getting to know the kids as the mature. 

 There's more than one way to skin a cat. We are working to learn, we are working to be nice, we are just plain working. That's what life takes is work and effort. Life is good!

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