Tuesday, September 22, 2020

9.22.20 Harvest Festival

I love watching the kids read. I was asked recently if my sons ever got a chance to read. The answer is most definitely yes!! Every second they can spare their nose is in a book. I'm working to guide that hoping to add to their education and life understanding with good books that teach them. Here Reed is returning for the garden but the book was too good to put down for even ten minutes. 

These mammoth tomatoes are called Phoenix. There is just something delicious about garden tomatoes on bread with some mayo spread and anything else. Oh my yum! And those red beauties weigh over 1.5 lbs a piece one feeds all of us. 

We had a lot of cottage cheese in the fridge so we made an old family recipe lime jello with cottage cheese. My grandma made this special treat often when I would visit. So many memories are tied to food. My kids thought it was ok. 

As I have mentioned I work all day to be teaching these kiddos, from responsibility and follow through to history, science, world events, literature etc. Here they are enacting having small pox introduced in a video of libertys kids about alexander Hamilton- which led to a ted talk about vaccinations.
One day when the school I hoped for was not going so well and I was loosing my mind I had to nurse the screaming baby and had the thought that maybe they should do some art. So they drew then colored the pictures uniquely while I read to them about the Boston Massacre and we talked about the intolerable acts- which coincided with what Addie was learning in her school class that day as well. I was so thankful for the instruction to regroup and try a different way! God speaks if we are still and quiet enough to listen. 
A neighbors corn field went for silage but a lot of corn was left on the ground along with spilled silage. We went one empty evening and scooped the insilling silage it smelled so sweet. Livy is packing it down. 
The other kids were picking up ears of corn. The chickens were thrilled to have corn on the cob. 

We also were able to go pick raspberries one morning. So many raspberries probably 5 ice cream buckets full. The berries were so nice Aliza made pie with a helper. Heaven on a fork! No pictures because it was prepared and devoured so quickly. 
Another day a friend asked us to come pick her white grapes. So we had a lovely visit and came home with grapes for 15 half gallons of juice. 
The Lord provides and watches over our needs. I was struck as we read his sermon on the mount of his admonition to the newly called disciples not to worry about food and or raiment. These pictures attest that there is plenty to spare. Not pictured are the potatoes we were generously given. The abundant produce our garden is still pumping out. The onions and wheat we are receiving. Yes there is peace in having all safely gathered in. We are thankful for those that think of us and for opportunities to learn to do hard jobs. Picking berries is not easy but sure is tasty. I'm thankful for the time we have to take care of our needs and to take the time it requires to train new workers. Life is good, even with a back ache from carrying baby and bending to pick every full vine of berries. We are so blessed! 

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