Wednesday, September 23, 2020

9.23.20 Family Reunion

It's been over three weeks since we had a large family reunion at our house. As far as I know no one was sick after and I'm so thankful we braved the warnings and got together. My family looks forward to this weekend every year! I walked out of my house Sunday morning to this sight. That is pretty awesome to have church with those you love right in your own yard. 

Many of the pictures show eating. We had three square meals a day. It felt like we were stuffed from morning till late at night and peanut butter sandwiches were only one meal. Along with corn and  melons. All that eating provided lots of time to visit with different relations and to enjoy just relaxing. 

The kids were free to roam and play. The adults mostly trusted they were safe and ok. These two were intent on cleaning the outside toys. 

Uncle Don brought safe water activities and kids had a ball getting very very wet. 

There were tractor rides and this balance activity. Just tow ropes between two trees, yet very hard to keep your balance on. John just took a tumble. 

Volleyball all abilities are welcome. The talented cousins are kind to teach the ones lesser experienced. There were two nets one fort the older stronger kids and one for teaching the younger set. 

The days were spent simply just visiting, enjoying being outside and breathing easier away from the cares of home. 

Saturday morning was our big breakfast. These boys and some others not pictures were my work crew. They are shown cracking dozens of eggs. On the counter not shown they were mixing pancake mix. 

Aliza cooked bacon and sausage for over an hour in our ovens. Of course all was eaten that was offered. 10 lbs of sausage and about 10 lbs of bacon. 

Addie headed up the outside grill cooking pancakes and potato hashbrowns. Aunt Lexine brought her special syrups: real maple, chokecherry, spiced apple juice. Oh it was so delicious!

The opening meal is hamburgers and hotdogs Addie grilled all those on our Traeger. The individual chips were a special treat for all the kids in attendance. Smores rounded out the evening with a live fire. 

The tractor was pulled out to give city cousins rides up and down the hay field thanks to far away cousin Paul from Washington D.C. 

Aunt Shauna cooked beans for two days in preparation for the burrito bowls. We had plenty of beans and not enough rice. Again Aunt Lexine made three kinds of salsas. Oh man this was delicious. The best part of all this cooking and eating is the time spent visiting preparing, eating, and cleaning up. 

The kids made new friends and deepened friendships that are just developing. I loved that they had such a great time. 

This is a picture of a great conversation. I stayed up very late with Greg talking/listening to this cousin I took away some lessons I really needed at this time in my life. 
Another reunion down! Another year checking up on how people are doing, learning and being strengthened. Enjoying some R & R and the reassurance that we are not alone in our goals, hopes, and faith. Life is good and family is a true blessing. 

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