Thursday, October 22, 2020

10.22.20 Leaf Party

Traditions of fall live on! A super fun anticipated day of fall is the annual leaf party. There are two large trees in my mom's yard. The trees drop beautiful orange leaves each year, leaves just right for playing in. Each year the younger grandkids are invited to play in the leaves with grandma. This year where all the kids are homeschooled the older cousins were there too. This led to more imaginative play and more leaves moved around. The addition of 4 dogs made the day a little scarier for some but all had a great time!  

This leaf ring was a boat, a house, a bed, and maybe a few other things. So many imaginations and ideas at work. 

The main draw is the opportunity to run around and yell while playing with cousins. 

After the leaf party we went to harvest some garden vegetables. The kids were excited to find pumpkins at one house. I am behind Lia getting the ripe tomatoes that had dropped under the plants. 

A beautiful fall day!  Life is good we have been busy like squirrels gathering in all the fine last fruits of the season. The garage is full, the shelves are full, and we are content. We are exceedingly tired but at peace. We are thankful for many who have given us their last fruits. We live in a great valley, I pray for our great land. 

 I hope that these great traditions that we enjoyed in these last few weeks, will continue and that the pure joy and fun of family will go on. 

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