Friday, October 2, 2020

10.2.20 More Days Go By

Fall harvest and the changing of the seasons happened in the snap of our fingers. So I am back spending evenings looking at this and holding that green hose. Thankfully the kids like to come and are stronger and more able to help this year. 
Livy has grown into a strong tall young lady she is getting more work responsibilities as they come along. 

Reed of course is my expert partner. He is great at keeping me figured out and on task. He is also a great boss/protector/enforcer with the younger set. He gets things done and makes sure others help. 

These are beautiful days of fall I'm thankful the kids can be a part of what we do on the farm. We are unusually fortunate to be able to involve all of our children in what we do everyday. 
Anna is sometimes living elsewhere and I know she might miss at least little brother a bit so I take periodic pictures to send to her. He will not know her as the others do, that's sad and just what happens. When she is home though she is one of the favorite siblings to spend time with. 

I spent some time mowing the lawn while Afton gave Merle a big outside tour in the stroller. He was pretty happy to get to go where she went. Lia of course kept them company while showing her dolly the sights as well. I love the natural mothering some of m girls have done with their dolls. Some had nothing to do with dolls and that's okay too. 

We ran out of diapers last week for this big woman and so were forced (which was my plan) to begin potty training. She has done really well! A few accidents here and there but overall she is ready, the sisters are on board and we are not going back to diapers!! Wahoo! 
The little big brother is always up for whatever Mark or Reed is doing. We have been keeping a close watch on the corn taking in samples weekly to know how it is drying. We are all thankful for how big and full the ears are this year. 

School goes on and on it's a part of everyday. I found my kids really love whiteboards. We use them everyday! 

Merle man sits in his chair bouncing and bouncing. He's beginning to grasp at things so Bruce shared some of his birthday magnets. Merle has worn a bald spot on the back of his head from sitting but everybody has to take their turn. 


I got an odd request last week to make a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies for a friend. I've never made oatmeal cookies for anyone other than family and was a bit unsure. I had a great recipe from Greg's maternal grandmother but these are not a cookie of choice here at my house. I called a friend who shared her father's secrets to making them best. Plumping the raisins was one new step. Cover the raisins with water then microwave for a minute. Separate the raisins, drain the water let sit while mixing the dough. The raisins soak up the water and become soft. I also roasted the walnuts a bit to bring out their flavor. All in all the cookies were pretty good. It was interesting to get paid for cookies, and a nice unexpected compliment. I was especially touched while making these cookies how generational they were. I said a quick prayer of gratitude to those who have since left earth who left tips and tricks to make good old fashioned cookies. I was humbled at the connection with the past that cooking can be. 

Life is good and full. I'm feeling more confident with our homeschool adventures I will honestly be sad to turn the kids back to school if and when that becomes possible. There are peaceful parts I really enjoy like teaching my kids scriptures, truths and just being able to do what we need to do, there are other hard parts like the fighting and noise but I am thankful for this gift of time to catch up on life lessons I had not gotten to and to accomplish the farming that would have been impossible without all of them. Prayers are answered in surprising ways. 

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