Tuesday, November 17, 2020

11.16.20 Fall Fun

My guys spend a lot of time working in town and they have opportunities to meet many different people. Some customers spend a lot of time at the shop due to lack of rides, amount of work needing to be done, and friendships. One favorite customer who has spent a considerable amount of time with my guys is also a real role model. 
This man suffered a career, almost life ending rodeo accident, that doctors proclaimed would paralyze him for life. He decided that would not be the case and thus worked his way back to mobility. He has stories to tell and is generous with his visits. He now shows up with drinks for all the workers and has taken a special interest in both Harold and John. 
Two months ago he mentioned he was getting inducted into the rodeo hall of family and invited Harold and John to be his guests. I was totally fine with Greg just taking the boys with for the day. Greg was stubborn and demanded I go, thus we left on a rainy Saturday morning for a quick break. 

This turned out to be a fun get away. We got to visit with his sisters' family and view their work. It was nice to be together and to see some different sites. It was interesting to be at the banquet. I was almost brought to tears standing in a room full of cowboys listening to the national anthem while we pledged our flag. That could have been a last time. The political and climate of the country is definitely worrisome, patriotism is not popular or even safe in some areas. I was thankful to be surrounded by God loving, country living, proud Americans. I haven't spent money on professional sporting events, and don't plan to in the future. But I will continue to support Rodeo just for the reason of love of America, manners of the cowboys, and the integrity they encourage. 

A few days before we attended the local corn maze and pumpkin patch. The highlight was the zip line. 
It was enough of a challenge to be fun for the younger kids, and yet tame enough even the smaller children could enjoy a ride. Uncle Bryce worked at this place a few years ago and was still in service mode helping the group of riders have an enjoyable experience. 
The younger crew wanted to attack the corn maze. 
The low point was about 10 seconds after this picture when hearts began to fail and kids were sure we were NEVER getting out of the corn maze. I must admit they worried me some too. But alas their navigational gut feelings and trying a lot of the paths led us out back to the zip line! 

 A beautiful last of the season floral bouquet from my generous daughters and their employer. They have been working for a kind older man this summer taking care of his yard. He has an amazing variety of roses. These were dazzling additions to my busy counter for a week. 

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