Tuesday, November 17, 2020

11.17.20 Friends

 We have been pretty even girl boy girl boy at our house, at least for the top 8. Then we had a string of girls and this one handsome guy. He has been a sport, and thoroughly enjoyed all the time with his older brothers. But they are quite a bit older. Sometimes it's fun to have a friends your own age or size. 

We have had a few playdates lately with boys his size. He has had a ball. 
I gave up years ago trying to have a stylish house we just go for clean and a very lived in house. This day the kids were teaching the friends how much fun sliding down the stairs can be. 
Enjoying a lunch of mac and cheese. Bruce's #1 asked for food. The friends didn't complain and were happy to enjoy the best lunch ever, well except for hot dogs those are pretty divine too. 
Merle is starting to interact with everyone here. His ability to sit has helped him be part of the action. He is hugging, tasting Harold just prior to prayer one evening. 

Bruce still has big plans for this little brother. Today he was play wrestling a bit with him. Merle thought that was so fun. Life is good. 

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