Thursday, November 5, 2020

11.5.20 Halloween

Halloween was a long time coming this year. With Addie around all day she began preparing costume ideas the beginning of the month. She worked gathering supplies and ideas and created some fun costumes. We also carved the obligatory pumpkins. Thanks to our generous farm friends we were able to get some beautiful large Halloween style pumpkins. 

Each year we get more kids that become of age. This year The oldest 3 and Mark did not carve pumpkins. Part of me was very sad that they were too old to participate and the other part  was ok with them growing up, as there was plenty of mess and activity to compensate for their not joining in. 
After we carved pumpkins. we indulged in caramel apples. We found a youtube instructional video and followed along carefully. The lady talked a lot and we got ahead of her and just had to figure it out. My hairdresser had given us pretzels as an additional topping. She does this yearly instead of carving pumpkins so I added her list of toppings to the plain caramel we had planned. Thus we dipped them in caramel then crushed oreos, or crushed pretzels, or coconut, or walnuts. All were delicious. 

YUM! We all enjoyed them a lot. 
The night of Halloween was the much anticipated Halloween party at Grandma Corns. Cousins and friends showed up for a full trick or treat walk and party. This was an ideal night and we had a great time being together. 
These two were the final candy spot on the long walk. At the other end was Uncle Kevin never to disappoint or remotely skimp. He loaded all the kids up with LOTS of chocolate. 

Grandma Lasley was the first stop with hot chocolate and popcorn. We love the yearly special treat we don't enjoy much here. 

The three princess cousins. Eloise in her custom made gown my girls loving their Christmas ball gowns. Best of all being together getting candy.

Bruce's custom tractor. The smoke stack was a perfect place to hang his candy bag. 
Pretty red heads after a fun candy activity. 
And that's all I got. I was busy watching kids. I was yelling at older sons for pushing little kids in slippery clothes too high, or going much to high themselves with lots of little not paying attention kids around. The hotdogs, chili, soup with donuts for dessert was delicious. The opportunity to gather around a bonfire and pause for a moment was really nice. The perfect weather was inviting. We are thankful to be close to family. 

After we cleaned up I made my kids all squish together int he car to go look at the pumpkin display in a local town. A dear friend has had the goal to display more than 300 pumpkins for year. This year her children came and helped carve 343 pumpkins in one week. Not plain pumpkins either but intricate, delightful, artistic pumpkins. We were impressed! I was able to visit with her son whom I haven't seen for over 15 years too. That was a great surprise. Yet another witness, to the power and greatness of family unity and dreams. Life is good!

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