Monday, February 22, 2021

2.22.21 A home in Zion

There are some moments that are just golden. At the end of the day we have made and kept the habit of reading scriptures together. Lately there is so much visiting, running around, and general noise. Yet we are all together and sharing the stopping point in our day. We are not great about all sitting down together for meals, yet this ritual of studying together is a little better attended because it happens later. These moments with all my family gathered round are delicious to my soul.

I am blessed with many in my home. Last night we took the time to watch the first ever world wide primary face to face event. It was engaging for the kids. They enjoyed the drawing portion and the rock art. 

We are working on personal development here. Reed made a batch of sugar cookies one day. They were really good! 

Another night another gathering. 

Livy got paints, brushes, and canvas for her birthday. This is her first painting from that gift. She is so happy creating. 

We just had friends here to explain incubating eggs. We were visiting about how nice it is to know how to incubate eggs, but it's better to know how to get chicks naturally. They shared that the key to turbulent times survival is a Zion home. I quickly said in a mock falsetto "Welcome to our Zion home..." You can see in all the above pictures we are not super organized. We are living together in a home that is busy with learning and activity. They quickly corrected me that my home is more Zion like than I give credit. I apologized and agreed. 

I am blessed to have resources to teach my children. I am blessed with time. COVID has given time. I love that! I am having a hard time working back into a desire to meet other peoples schedules or demands. I love having all safely gathered in. We have had great gospel learning over the past year. We have rested and worked when we needed. My kids are becoming more accomplished and friendly with each other. Life is good and I am thankful for the peace of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Saturday, February 20, 2021

2.20.21 A house of Learning.

One benefit of homeschooling is group learning. We all get to share in what one or three learn. I had an opportunity to download a free copy of the space science unit. I wanted to see what they included and how my kids handled the information. The course is just right for my kids. This day we were making constellations. The kids ate marshmallows all day. We enjoyed many space videos and have had fun learning about the universe.

We also had a birthday for Livy and Mark. 

Addie used some of her quarantine time making some string art. I love her ability to identify a curiosity and then to find a way to make it happen. Addie was not sick just forced to quarantine because a classmate had a positive test for COVID. The hysteria is overwhelming but we just go on doing what we need to do and moving forward. I'm thankful for the large diverse group in my home that keeps days energetic. 
Her young womens group was going to be decorating cakes. Thus Addie researched a recipe, baked the cake and began the process of cake decorating. She froze the cake then cut it desired shape and added the crumb coat. She required little help from me. I just gave her instruction and space to learn. 

These two enjoying another dinner with dad. It's amazing Greg gets any food with these two hungry kiddos on his lap. 

We also enjoyed a Valentines party with cousins. Mom's provided activities and support. 

Kids decorated cookies and made pizzas. 
They exchanged valentines in their homemade valentine's containers. 

They made string hearts, the played bingo, they played play doh, and did a heart walk like a cake walk, the played charades and they played. 
A benefit of being a younger sibling is all kinds of watching and exposure. Alia showing off a cake decorating knife. 
And Lia helping Merle enjoy popcorn. He did pretty well and she loved sharing. She insists on helping him be part of the action. 
Life is good we enjoy the slower time of year and work to soak up the resting so we will be ready for the intensity that is about to spring forth. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

2.19.21 Valentine's Day

Each year we have our traditional chicken cordon bleu for Valentine's Day. We postponed our feast one day because of visiting family. Thus, we had a prolonged party weekend. This year I prepared the food after a long day of miscellaneous other tasks. I was tired but trying to make the tradition happen. This is a table full of those I love most. 
These same people are loud, demanding and anything but romantic. The night was very noisey and full of wants. Greg and I looked at each other between sporadic bites and shrugged. We chose and created this for better or worse this is our reality. 
Some don't love the meal as much as others. They got help so they could enjoy the special treat uncle Kevin provided. 
Chocolate covered strawberries in three kinds of chocolate. The dark was divine!

These sweet treats are a once a year delicacy provided by my brother's generous family. We loved them. 

Afton also made her dad a coconut cream pie.  

She allowed Bruce a small taste too. 

A sister shared her valentine challenge supplies with us. After wondering what to do with them I realized family also counts as service. I spent some time writing Valentines. It's good for a mom to write her feelings about her children. Good for the kids to read positivity about themselves, and good for the  mom to count the goodness of her children. 

And football season has begun in one of the most unique seasons ever. The first practice involved rolling snowballs, in an effort to condition bodies and remove the snow from the football field. Thus there was a huge snowball fight. The boys practiced in snow boots and anything else they could find. Because  perfect paperwork is the password for anything public these days they could not count this as a full practice. John took Harold's number from last year, thus Harold has a new number. He was sharing the process with Merle man. 

The next day the boys practiced in snow boots again while waiting for the paperwork to pass muster. 
 It's interesting that the weather had been mild and clear all winter but this week we received more than 8 inches of snow. We are due for more snow tomorrow. The boys will continue to adapt and enjoy the physicality of football and the reassurance of team competition. Life is good. Each kid continues to have new experiences and is working through their own developmental processes and struggles. Growing-up is not easy and doesn't finish in a standard timeline. I work to understand and help each kid in my home as their needs change.  Life is good. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

2.18.21 Superbowl

We had a great family get together to enjoy visiting and eating our way through a notable Sunday evening. 

A food party is always something to attend. This one did not disappoint. 

The visiting was great a nice change up. With the new style of living we spend most our time contained at home and thus new ideas and thoughts is always desirable. We love conversing with these loved ones. 

The kids had a great time just imagining and playing with each other. 

They are all growing up and changing so much from month to month. 

 We love these special times together. We are thankful for the gracious hosting of my brother's family. We are thankful for the many family members we get to visit with as our years stack up. We are thankful for the wonderful cousins who make life fun! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

12.17.21 My valentine

Well this is the year of abnormally large gifts. Part of that is necessity, after a lot of years of use things just wear out. The most recent and daunting replacement/upgrade is the water system in our house. The night of Afton's birthday Aliza had a bad report that there was standing water in our storage room. After investigating we found leaking pipes. Water literally squirting out of pinholes in the copper pipes. Greg attempted to just tape the pipe to get us through the night but the pipe tore apart in his hands. He and Mark began learning how "easy" pex pipe is and repaired the immediate problems the next day. 
The old pipe was  thin and weak this is from the water softener to the water heater. 
This is the pipe into the house. That's about a pencil width of water flow. 

After several consults with his brother the builder we were overjoyed to hear that the builder was coming for a visit. 
While here I was surprised that Bruce, the younger of the two by 6 months, is actually taller than Trenton. Can't you tell these two are related. 
Working with Greg's brother is always a learning experience, he is an expert in home stuff like Greg is with car stuff. He likes nicknames and Reed earned the name of Hercules. People are usually surprised when they observe Reed's strength and no nonsense approach. I'm so thankful for Kevin's generous help. And once again so thrilled to have reliable running water!
After one night of work the strong older brothers had the hole started. I was actually most worried about this step. Greg is thorough and so we are replacing everything. A lot has not been operating at all so this is a necessary project. The boys thought they would skip out on helping their dad one night so they got to dig for an hour and a half in the dark. Three teenagers can get a lot of dirt moved if they want to.  
The final project was about 4 feet wide and 4 feet deep for about 12 feet. They did well. And now all is replaced and good on the outside. We increased from 1" to 1.25" without restriction we have lots of water these days. Now to tackle all the inside plumbing. Thankfully we have a pretty simple inside layout. It's just taking the time and mess and more clean-up mess to get it done. But considering the very weak shape of what replaced it's not something we can ignore for a few more years. I'm impressed year after year at my husband's ability to do things. Nothing is out of his league and nothing is ever too hard. I'm a wimp I don't have that same vision. 

A second memory I want saved is this. One night around 11:30 p.m. we were heading to bed. Getting ready to brush teeth etc. My phone rang asking if Greg could come give a blessing? The friend is a devout member of another faith. Greg said yes and we proceeded to get him ready. Earlier in the evening he had smashed his hand on a car door. Life had been pretty stressful and I think Greg was honestly just dragging from a lot of long days. So with the newly smashed finger throbbing I helped Greg get changed from work clothes to church clothes. Rarely do I help him with much personal stuff. This night it was tender to dress him. When he came home I did it all again. 

I was struck by the lesson of how we love those whom we serve. He often helps me as I am holding a sleeping or eating baby or am too pregnant to reach my feet, but rarely do I have the chance to return the favor. After two decades of marriage life can get pretty heavy. I'm thankful for moments of humility to remember and feel that soul piercing love of another. Life is good and I am so blessed to have water, skill, and muscles to take on whatever life throws.