Monday, February 22, 2021

2.22.21 A home in Zion

There are some moments that are just golden. At the end of the day we have made and kept the habit of reading scriptures together. Lately there is so much visiting, running around, and general noise. Yet we are all together and sharing the stopping point in our day. We are not great about all sitting down together for meals, yet this ritual of studying together is a little better attended because it happens later. These moments with all my family gathered round are delicious to my soul.

I am blessed with many in my home. Last night we took the time to watch the first ever world wide primary face to face event. It was engaging for the kids. They enjoyed the drawing portion and the rock art. 

We are working on personal development here. Reed made a batch of sugar cookies one day. They were really good! 

Another night another gathering. 

Livy got paints, brushes, and canvas for her birthday. This is her first painting from that gift. She is so happy creating. 

We just had friends here to explain incubating eggs. We were visiting about how nice it is to know how to incubate eggs, but it's better to know how to get chicks naturally. They shared that the key to turbulent times survival is a Zion home. I quickly said in a mock falsetto "Welcome to our Zion home..." You can see in all the above pictures we are not super organized. We are living together in a home that is busy with learning and activity. They quickly corrected me that my home is more Zion like than I give credit. I apologized and agreed. 

I am blessed to have resources to teach my children. I am blessed with time. COVID has given time. I love that! I am having a hard time working back into a desire to meet other peoples schedules or demands. I love having all safely gathered in. We have had great gospel learning over the past year. We have rested and worked when we needed. My kids are becoming more accomplished and friendly with each other. Life is good and I am thankful for the peace of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


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