Wednesday, February 17, 2021

2.17.21 Days Roll By

There's a country song to that title by Keith Urban:
Days go by
I can feel them flyin'
Like a hand out the window in the wind
Cars go by
Yeah, it's all we've been given
So you better start livin' right now
'Cause days go by.

That sums up life right now. They just keep flying by. This guy is being pushed more and more to feed himself and to eat solid foods. For the most part he does pretty well, he has moved past the gagging on anything phase and is pretty happy to be turned loose feeding himself. Although messy this is an important development. He has grown a lot in the past month. Mastering new skills and gaining more attitude. His two front teeth are almost through the gum. 

The boys playing. Merle knows which action is his team. Reed would build for him and let him knock them down. Bruce loves socks. He likes having older siblings because they have a wide variety of patterns and textures in their sock pile. 

School days everyday we try to do something educational. 

Reed is getting to cook more with Addie back in public school. He enjoys the challenge.

Afton left gifts for Greg and I one night. She has a generous heart and likes to share. 

Lia did makeup all by herself. She loves to do what her sisters do. She is sweet and is found running laps often. 

Man mastered crawling up the stairs last month. He gets faster and faster everyday wtih his general moving where he wants to go. 

Addie making birthday cake for Afton. Afton requested a blue coconut cake so she got this. Addie is very good at making moments special. She also hates photos so we have to be quick and stealthy. 

A nightly ritual the kids lining up for shoulder rides with dad. As they get taller they have to duck or be laid on instead of sat on top. All under 8 wait for their turn. 
With my older ones working on leaving home it's not that long ago they were lined up at the table enjoying cookies and milk. I'm thankful to have a round 2 or ten with these little ones. I'm thankful for where the older ones are headed but I still miss their presence in my home. 

Merle really enjoys eating with Greg. He is pretty happy to share dad's dinner. I think that may be the secret to my kids being good eaters, their dad patiently feeding them what he likes. One of my brother in laws mentioned he didn't remember a time when Greg wasn't feeing someone. That's true he's much more enduring than I am and cleaner about it. I always end up wearing part of the food. 

It has been a delight to capture Livy reading to her siblings lately. She is starting to read for pleasure. 

Another night she got help and encouragement and pushing to do all 100 math problems. We have really focused on math this year and while it is a slow process I feel like she is making sense in her mind and gaining long term skills. 

Reading her long funny story about what Grounhogs do. 

A snack of popcorn. We are constantly eating here!!! And thus there are some major efforts to wash dishes. I'm thankful for healthy kind kids. 

He's getting big enough to make messes. Oh boy here we go again. 

A boy dress up. 

Sunday afternoon watching church videos. They know the entire youtube lds offering of videos. From cheese is love to Nephi's boat. They enjoy time to chill. Bruce adjusted his missionary badge. 

 Bruce has awesome teachers. He got the first badge in primary. We have  new singing leader who is bringing some fun ideas to the singing portion of primary. It's a constant struggle to balance the could with the should and the must do. I'm thankful for the valiant service offered by so many. So Days roll by and we keep living and doing what we must and can. 

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