Saturday, February 20, 2021

2.20.21 A house of Learning.

One benefit of homeschooling is group learning. We all get to share in what one or three learn. I had an opportunity to download a free copy of the space science unit. I wanted to see what they included and how my kids handled the information. The course is just right for my kids. This day we were making constellations. The kids ate marshmallows all day. We enjoyed many space videos and have had fun learning about the universe.

We also had a birthday for Livy and Mark. 

Addie used some of her quarantine time making some string art. I love her ability to identify a curiosity and then to find a way to make it happen. Addie was not sick just forced to quarantine because a classmate had a positive test for COVID. The hysteria is overwhelming but we just go on doing what we need to do and moving forward. I'm thankful for the large diverse group in my home that keeps days energetic. 
Her young womens group was going to be decorating cakes. Thus Addie researched a recipe, baked the cake and began the process of cake decorating. She froze the cake then cut it desired shape and added the crumb coat. She required little help from me. I just gave her instruction and space to learn. 

These two enjoying another dinner with dad. It's amazing Greg gets any food with these two hungry kiddos on his lap. 

We also enjoyed a Valentines party with cousins. Mom's provided activities and support. 

Kids decorated cookies and made pizzas. 
They exchanged valentines in their homemade valentine's containers. 

They made string hearts, the played bingo, they played play doh, and did a heart walk like a cake walk, the played charades and they played. 
A benefit of being a younger sibling is all kinds of watching and exposure. Alia showing off a cake decorating knife. 
And Lia helping Merle enjoy popcorn. He did pretty well and she loved sharing. She insists on helping him be part of the action. 
Life is good we enjoy the slower time of year and work to soak up the resting so we will be ready for the intensity that is about to spring forth. 

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