Friday, August 4, 2023

8.4.23 More summer stuff

We used a local drone applicator to apply the nencesary pesticide to control spider mites in our corn. I was thrilled to watch the precise application and even happier when I wrote the check for payment that was a fraction of the other method. Farming is not hick dumb luck it's science, innovation, work, study, experimentation and lots and lots of science.
Another harvest day. So nice to come home with full arms after pulling weeds. These two are pretty steady in helping me garden. 
Trying some chicken painting. Mine at top, Livy on the right and Millie on the bottom. Livy just gets portions and spacing correctly. I admire how her projects mostly turn out and how she easily sets things correctly in space to look real. 
Surprise root canal on a sore tooth. Waiting for the dentist to come back. Not loving this experience but so so thankful for numbing agents. 
Back home watching Bruce put together his new lego for the fair. Everyone wishing they could play with the pieces too. 
Visits at the birthday party for Marcus. 
You scream I scream for ice cream. 

Millie on her daily zuchinni run. We still love this even after several weeks of abundance. Now we have enough to sneak it into most things we cook. 
A sheep i did. I love my new brushes that allow for fine line drawing. 
Another harvest the latest steaks from a big steer. Reed and Mark do well providing luxurious dinners for us. Round steak with cream of mushroom soup in the crockpot with garlic and onion is the best on potatoes. Easy and comforting.
So we live and dine like kings and sleep like logs. We are blessed with a deceptively simple life. We strive to learn and stay informed not only on advances and new ideas but the crossroads of what we learn through theory and what we find through experience. Life is good. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

8.3.23 24th of July Celebration

We had an epic 24th of July Celebration in our hometown. This is becoming a tradition that is too fun to miss even if the weather is over 95 degrees. We start with corn and watermelon and then enjoy games and competitions. Our cousins were still here Nathan won the seed spitting contest. 
Then he had John saw with him. That is no small feet and requires teamwork. John and NAthan tied John and Mark of 1:12 to saw through the log. John earned a raw blister from his back to back sawing. 
Millie on a stick horse race. 
Addie and Kayleigh also treid their muscles and team work pulling the saw. 
There was a shetland pony to pet all you wanted. 
Another trophy for Nathan. 
You could milk a goat but didn't have to drink the milk. 

A pie eating contest. The handicap was store bought pie with the usual cardboard crust. Greg would have won with his use to homemade flaky crust. 

Bruce and Jacob. 
Reed and friend LJ. 
Greg and Karadyn the secret is the pull no pushing is needed just pull. 
Emilyn and Deanne. 
John with more funny glasses from the fishing booth. 
The chicken scramble Addie won some eggs. See Mark and Nathan coming to assist. 

And the real event handcart races. The oxen in their places though these guys are fast and carried big loads. 
Reed's cart with Addie, LJ on the back ready to roll. 
Reed is the farm cart you can just see his muscles. 
On your Mark get set... on the back is their friend Colton quarterback for the football team. This looked like the Ben Hur Chariot Race. 
Running next to them is Case and Damick also the running backs for the football team. Cousin NAthan is pushing... this was a fun race to watch. 
These guys ready to run they are fast but heavily loaded. 
Lia loved her prize blow-up horse. 
Bruce caught the calf and got the string off it's tail winning $5.00 for his effort. He invested that in legos for the fair. 
This was a great night of visiting, competing, and remembering. I really enjoyed watching my family work together cousins included. And I wore my Birkenstock not running shoes on purpose maybe another year. And maybe there is always need for a cheerleader! I always bring participants. Life is good and we are blessed. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

8.2.23 Farm feelings

One evening I was in the garden and noticed a big green thing on the ground I picked it up and low and behold it was a horn worm. We fed it to the chickens. The next day the kids looked closer and found about 50. The next day about 15. And then 10. Unfortunately they found eggs so probably next week we will have another outbreak. 

Thankfully most the plants are huge and healthy. Now to keep them that way during fair week. It may all die this week. 
But these are my most important crops these kids. When I asked my older three why we do the fair stress Harold replied with wisdom

    " Thats the secret to having outgoing kids is being more involved and that way they have more interesting stories than i just stayed home all day."

I thanked him for reminding me of my goals as a mother. So here we go again. And here's to making interesting people who love and serve others and know they can do what they have to and don't always want to. Livy and Addie are definitely sisters. 

Mark and Merle best buds with the maybe too big pig. Uncle Richard brought fireworks some big not sold in our state ones. It was a nice experience for the kids. Addie taking some pictures. 

Aliza mastering the Christmas in July meal. She went all out, cut of course the best part after the perfectly creamy mashed potatoes was the pies. 

Off farm cousins always want to try the mysterious siphon tube setting. We scratch our heads and wrinkle our noses at the what the draw is? Each felt very accomplished to make water come out of the tubes. Addie is taking pictures quietly watching,  as this is called messing up her work. Oh well she made it right her way later. 

The little things we take for granted but mostly I think the memories of farm life are so much more than the skills but the feelings of daily being needed, comradery, purpose, and mastery to a degree of life. From planting seeds to pulling weeds to delivering water and harvesting and feeding animals circles of life are ever present. These are apparently measurable tasks and outcomes which are sadly lacking from most of modern life. It's hard to replicate in an experience, or even a visit. The farm feelings are the solving the bad, the enduring together, the little impromptu water fights, and the smiles of I did it right, everyday I did what had to be done and this is what the outcome was. 

We have helped get one pivot unstuck and offered advice to another on how to fix there's. Thankfully our pivots have been manageable this year as Mark and Reed are expert and strong enough to do most things alone. The tires, and occasional ujoint of center drive. We are thankful for the knowledge we have and the opportunity to just consult and help as necessary to not be daily in the trenches this year. We are blessed. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

8.1.23 What we do in the summertime

There's mention of Harold more and more because he is on my mind more and more as we are now in August 2023. His come home month we are counting days not months for his return! And nicely packed into that Anna and Aliza will also return home. We are patiently ticking off the days till we see each other again. 
A kind friend gave us some new watercolors she didn't want. The kids had such a great time experimenting with new colors. 

I print the picture they request then the more mature kids trace the outline onto watercolor paper. We work to do more than just watch the TV show heartland while mom takes her daily rest.
Andrea is happy to paint herself. But look at her learn to feed herself!! She's so independent. 
Busy at work painting and thinking. I love creative moments. 
John has a thing for sunglases. I think this was taken at his FSY week that he and Addie shared. He had a great time of course. Anything social is happy for John. 
Yay the sweet corn is on! My helper in carrying it to the car. 
Oh summer food of the Gods. We eat it only when picked fresh that day. It is delicious and so so generous of my dad to grow such a staple of summer living. Anna, Aliza and Harold have had no sweet corn in their distant lands. Poor them. This is truly Gods country. Although they have mountains and beaches we have great farmers and skills and I guess choices to enjoy the work of our hands. They are looking forward to coming home and having home food. 
Harold was surprised she is walking. Ha she's a big lady not a little baby. And she loves art and doing whatever everyone else does. 

Bruce is a pretty good irrigator. He helps Addie about 60% of the time. 
We are blessed with abundance and time. Unfortunately the clock is far too quickly winding down on summer. We cherish and dread the work of summer and the same is felt about the school year. It is good to grow, learn, and stretch to advance in education but also in friendships and independence. It's also sad to be separated so much. Ah well we live in today and look for gratitude in each next chapter and stage. Life is good.