Wednesday, August 2, 2023

8.2.23 Farm feelings

One evening I was in the garden and noticed a big green thing on the ground I picked it up and low and behold it was a horn worm. We fed it to the chickens. The next day the kids looked closer and found about 50. The next day about 15. And then 10. Unfortunately they found eggs so probably next week we will have another outbreak. 

Thankfully most the plants are huge and healthy. Now to keep them that way during fair week. It may all die this week. 
But these are my most important crops these kids. When I asked my older three why we do the fair stress Harold replied with wisdom

    " Thats the secret to having outgoing kids is being more involved and that way they have more interesting stories than i just stayed home all day."

I thanked him for reminding me of my goals as a mother. So here we go again. And here's to making interesting people who love and serve others and know they can do what they have to and don't always want to. Livy and Addie are definitely sisters. 

Mark and Merle best buds with the maybe too big pig. Uncle Richard brought fireworks some big not sold in our state ones. It was a nice experience for the kids. Addie taking some pictures. 

Aliza mastering the Christmas in July meal. She went all out, cut of course the best part after the perfectly creamy mashed potatoes was the pies. 

Off farm cousins always want to try the mysterious siphon tube setting. We scratch our heads and wrinkle our noses at the what the draw is? Each felt very accomplished to make water come out of the tubes. Addie is taking pictures quietly watching,  as this is called messing up her work. Oh well she made it right her way later. 

The little things we take for granted but mostly I think the memories of farm life are so much more than the skills but the feelings of daily being needed, comradery, purpose, and mastery to a degree of life. From planting seeds to pulling weeds to delivering water and harvesting and feeding animals circles of life are ever present. These are apparently measurable tasks and outcomes which are sadly lacking from most of modern life. It's hard to replicate in an experience, or even a visit. The farm feelings are the solving the bad, the enduring together, the little impromptu water fights, and the smiles of I did it right, everyday I did what had to be done and this is what the outcome was. 

We have helped get one pivot unstuck and offered advice to another on how to fix there's. Thankfully our pivots have been manageable this year as Mark and Reed are expert and strong enough to do most things alone. The tires, and occasional ujoint of center drive. We are thankful for the knowledge we have and the opportunity to just consult and help as necessary to not be daily in the trenches this year. We are blessed. 

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