Friday, August 4, 2023

8.4.23 More summer stuff

We used a local drone applicator to apply the nencesary pesticide to control spider mites in our corn. I was thrilled to watch the precise application and even happier when I wrote the check for payment that was a fraction of the other method. Farming is not hick dumb luck it's science, innovation, work, study, experimentation and lots and lots of science.
Another harvest day. So nice to come home with full arms after pulling weeds. These two are pretty steady in helping me garden. 
Trying some chicken painting. Mine at top, Livy on the right and Millie on the bottom. Livy just gets portions and spacing correctly. I admire how her projects mostly turn out and how she easily sets things correctly in space to look real. 
Surprise root canal on a sore tooth. Waiting for the dentist to come back. Not loving this experience but so so thankful for numbing agents. 
Back home watching Bruce put together his new lego for the fair. Everyone wishing they could play with the pieces too. 
Visits at the birthday party for Marcus. 
You scream I scream for ice cream. 

Millie on her daily zuchinni run. We still love this even after several weeks of abundance. Now we have enough to sneak it into most things we cook. 
A sheep i did. I love my new brushes that allow for fine line drawing. 
Another harvest the latest steaks from a big steer. Reed and Mark do well providing luxurious dinners for us. Round steak with cream of mushroom soup in the crockpot with garlic and onion is the best on potatoes. Easy and comforting.
So we live and dine like kings and sleep like logs. We are blessed with a deceptively simple life. We strive to learn and stay informed not only on advances and new ideas but the crossroads of what we learn through theory and what we find through experience. Life is good. 

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