Thursday, August 3, 2023

8.3.23 24th of July Celebration

We had an epic 24th of July Celebration in our hometown. This is becoming a tradition that is too fun to miss even if the weather is over 95 degrees. We start with corn and watermelon and then enjoy games and competitions. Our cousins were still here Nathan won the seed spitting contest. 
Then he had John saw with him. That is no small feet and requires teamwork. John and NAthan tied John and Mark of 1:12 to saw through the log. John earned a raw blister from his back to back sawing. 
Millie on a stick horse race. 
Addie and Kayleigh also treid their muscles and team work pulling the saw. 
There was a shetland pony to pet all you wanted. 
Another trophy for Nathan. 
You could milk a goat but didn't have to drink the milk. 

A pie eating contest. The handicap was store bought pie with the usual cardboard crust. Greg would have won with his use to homemade flaky crust. 

Bruce and Jacob. 
Reed and friend LJ. 
Greg and Karadyn the secret is the pull no pushing is needed just pull. 
Emilyn and Deanne. 
John with more funny glasses from the fishing booth. 
The chicken scramble Addie won some eggs. See Mark and Nathan coming to assist. 

And the real event handcart races. The oxen in their places though these guys are fast and carried big loads. 
Reed's cart with Addie, LJ on the back ready to roll. 
Reed is the farm cart you can just see his muscles. 
On your Mark get set... on the back is their friend Colton quarterback for the football team. This looked like the Ben Hur Chariot Race. 
Running next to them is Case and Damick also the running backs for the football team. Cousin NAthan is pushing... this was a fun race to watch. 
These guys ready to run they are fast but heavily loaded. 
Lia loved her prize blow-up horse. 
Bruce caught the calf and got the string off it's tail winning $5.00 for his effort. He invested that in legos for the fair. 
This was a great night of visiting, competing, and remembering. I really enjoyed watching my family work together cousins included. And I wore my Birkenstock not running shoes on purpose maybe another year. And maybe there is always need for a cheerleader! I always bring participants. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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