Monday, October 13, 2014

10.13.14 Family Photos

Just taken at random at home. The kids were so wiggly and happy. First picture always the best
Now we are getting bored or just taking advantage of siblings close by to poke or prod...
Although Milile was smiling and Alivia is finally looking up.

Now mom's turn

I didn't even notice him holding my arm until I got done. This is not my most openly affectionate child but he does need his mom. Kiddos are so funny how they show their love, personalities, and needs some need to be noticed and laughed at or tickled, some need a hug, some just need your undivided attention, some need to show their skills and share. It is a blessing and a hard thing to be the mom. Hard to apply the right language to the right kid to not get confused on who likes it what way.

A nice little brotherly love slug!
And one back to keep the power balance in tact. Ahh family!

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