Wednesday, October 8, 2014

10.8.14 Stay Picnic

A few weeks ago, heck maybe a month now, I really wanted to go on a picnic. My grandfather called together family picnics about every quarter of the year while I was growing up.-Found out since his passing that his grandfather loved family picnics too and would also call them together for outings.-  We would all hustle and get stuff found, packed, purchased or maybe made if we had time, and we would go to the hills. Usually around the Owyhee Dam. It was so nice to get away and relax. We would hike, whittle hot dog sticks, visit, skip stones, shoot, eat and eat and listen to stories. Some of my favorite memories are from those impromtu escapes from the norm.
My hard worker and photo bug. She is so good about willingly getting things done and sticking to the job at hand.

So having a break from canning and determined to make some pleasant memories in my children;s minds I wanted tot take them to someplace that had pine trees. Unfortunately, all I could think of were places approximately 2 hours away. That wouldn't work for our busy dad and mom that is always tired. My wise mother suggested a place my grandfather had planted about 30 years ago. I had forgotten all about it, but boy was I sure thankful for her insight.
Our beginning fire it got much bigger but was just perfect for cooking bacon sandwiches and beans my grandfathers favorite as he hated hot dogs. We also roasted hot dogs cuz we like them.

We worked at making some picnic food and excitedly packed up. I asked my boy scout to pack wood and kindling as a fire does not just take to big logs. He assured me we were set, but when we got hte dad loaded from work we realized his fire starting skills need more practice. We gathered more knidling and fuel from a stash of my grandfathers and headed to "the Ocean." Originally this had been an Orchard my grandfather planted but being little I could not pronounce that and called it the ocean. It was far more beautiful and peaceful than I remembered.
John has taken to reading like a fish to swimming and chose to skip a nap and lunch to read. He was not feeling well and ended up sick. Millie was happy to keep him company for a while.

The kids were so excited. I was thankul for pine trees wiht lots of pine needles and pine cones and even some convienient dry weeds. There aren't many weeds on that farm and I was so thankful that we found a few. The younger kids had a ball getting more and more fuel for the fire.

Being on the go all the time with objectives to accomplish it's hard to stop and slow down and just be and take note of breathing. We did manage that night to slow down, be safe, and enjoy time in a little garden of mosquitoes and fun.

We have been out of water for over 2 months when we went to this little oasis water was running in the ditches. I had forgotten about mosquitoes... my poor little girls were pin cushions for those pests. No Malaria or west nile to report so we survived.

My parents came and joined us for some smokey breathing and relaxing in the greenery. It was a perfect close to home evening. Sometimes the best things are right in front of us if we just get our minds clear enough to realize what we have. Best to you.
Obviously this was not my choice of eathing or resting spots for them. As the little girls are not so nimble but oh so willing to follow their example. No one was hurt- it was such a beautiful evening. Love fall in the Valley.

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