Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10.15.14 Anna's Evening of Excellence

My daughter is in the Young Women's program in our church. Part of this program is a personal improvement/learning program that has 6 (I think) areas of development to work on. Anna has been doing some here and there in addition to all the other life stuff that normally happens around here. About a month ago when the girls checked in with their leaders Anna was rewarded with 4 regular sized candy bars and given the challenge to do more so she could throw pies in someone's face at their evening of excellence.
The raccoon looking girl just got one of Anna's pies in the face

Anna's fellow classmates. Her back is to the crowd. They had all just smashed their first pies.
 She continued to plug away at the requirements and managed to get 11 more done and 2 big projects that required more than 10 hours of work. She counted the garden they grew this summer and canning. Thus she was able to throw a lot of pie! Even 2 pizza pies for the large projects. See the youtube video HERE
The pizza pies didn't smash so well but it was the experience that counts. Those laurels were sure gracious about the whole experience.

I was really proud of her getting so much done, mostly on her own initiative. However, I am more thankful for the kind, thoughtful young lady she is becoming. She is kind, she mostly makes good choices, and she is happy a good part of the time. I think the best part of motherhood is watching- because really it's not our choice- who our kids become. A wise mom told me a while ago kids talents are the things you can't keep them away from. They just gravitate towards them. I am continually thankful of how much softer Anna is than me and how pleasant she is to have in our home. She is a great young lady!

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