Thursday, October 16, 2014

10.16.14 Just some little things

These two little girls keep me hopping. They are busy, unique, and cute. Amazingly (duh) we don't have repeat personalities here. They are all their own personalities and they are charming and in trouble a lot of the time. Harold is developing some serious baby skills. He loves to show his muscles by packing, throwing, twisting, and in general playing with his little siblings.

Millie has a very individual self-soothing style. She holds her belly button. When she is upset, waking up, a little unsure of the situation she roots for it and holds it. I think it's cute and way easier than dealing with thumb sucking- at this point anyway. And it seems to work for her. No germs are spread seems to be a win-win.

And on other fall food storage news we have been blessed by a neighbor to get to pick apples. This is a bumper crop year and it has been amazing and overwhelming to try to get the trees clean. More and more apples seem to be there. But so nice to have the opportunity to work and serve. And enjoy a lot of apple pie!
I love the greenness of it all. We live in a beautiful world.

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