Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1.6.15- 36 Weeks

The time has flown by. Being Relief Society president, having 6 kids in school, and all the other things we just do has made this pregnancy quick! I haven't been counting weeks, just hoping it wasn't as close as it seemed from the growing size of my belly and the constant heartburn.

Last time I allowed myself to be very scared. To be nervous and anxious. It was a hard place to reside for a month. This time I'm choosing to be hopeful and faithful that it is a small moment of time to bring a new person into existence. I've learned to choose a scripture to anchor my rambling thoughts and this time it's going to be D & C 121: 7-8

      My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
      And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.

I'm looking forward to meeting this person who is so active in my belly. I'm excited to see who they become. As I've watched and listened to my chidlren this Christmas I realize what a blessing it is to have each of them in my home and life. As I tell them I worked hard to create them and they should not take that lightly- John and his jumping/climbing stunts about does me in! But seriously we are blessed to be able to have each of them and to be given stewardship over their persons for this small time they are in our home. 

Creation is an amazing journey and I am humbly grateful I have been given this opportunity and ability. So with that, back to my bookkeeping and bracing for the first day alone with the three tornadoes as the big kids are all back in school. Back on the treadmill racing through our lives. Happy New Year. 

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