Thursday, November 20, 2014

11.20.14 Anna's First Basketball Game

 As Saunders we are very competitive. Surprised? No really we are. We are also very busy with work and living a deliberate life. However, as the kids are getting older I am realizing they need some additional experiences to help round out their personalities and give them more confidence. So now that Anna is in Middle School and practices were easily slotted after school and the season is only 2 months with 8 games this seemed like a pretty ideal situation. She was excited! I was totally hoping for tennis or some running thing, but will admit with the baby coming this is much better timing and fall sports are out as we are so busy with fall work.
Addie was the camera lady she does very well especially considering she is under 8 years old.

So we got her physical done, totally healthy there. And got the necessary clothes and shoes and she has been having a blast! I love how happy she comes home. I'm really impressed after her first game at how well she did considering this was her first time on the court in a competitive match up ever! She made three baskets (I really think I made three baskets in the entire 3month season of any of my basketball experiences) some assists, really good screens, and caused some turn overs.

Harold was way disappointed that none of the girls tried or even thought about 3 point shooting. He of course wants biggest bang least effort. I told him boys and girls play very differently they take the closer shots to be guaranteed of the points.
My one anxious moment was after she had been subbed out and gotten instruction from the coach she was ready to go back in. The coach told her to check in and Anna was ready to just run back into the game. Thank goodness her coach caught her and instructed her to wait for a break and the ref to let her back in. Small nuances that she'll get with experience. I'm very thankful the stated objective of the program is to help the girls learn and experience playing basketball. Some are obviously more experienced but all made some mistakes and are LEARNING! Good times and memories to look back on later. 

She really liked these blue shoes, there were other options but this was her desire. Love that basketball shorts have gotten so much longer since I played long ago.

All in all it was a fun adventure and so good to see her be successful. She made the A team- a bit of a surprise because again we have not done the years of rec league basketball. She started in this game and played roughly 3/4 of the time. It is good to watch them grow and learn, and hard to give them up to live their lives and develop their various talents. I'm thankful for a good coach and good friends. She has a knack for picking good friends.

Some of the kids were not impressed with just watching so yippee they get to be the babysitters next time. Phew. I had left the two little girls with a friend- my wise sister suggested we would all enjoy the experience more- and it was much easier to just watch the game. So onward and upward another chapter opened in our family life.

She doesn't realize her strength yet. When she does, watch out. She is farm tough and smart, a great combination.

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