Sunday, October 16, 2016

10.16.16 my lap

I spend most my days sitting. Often like this. A pile of kids jockey-ing for a spot and snuggle. 

Sometimes they do tricks or read me stories. Or show me new things they have found.

 I love my view. These little feet are so cute and time consuming! Soeyimes I feel like in going crazy. Sitting and sitting and anxiously watching for any signs of chub on this cutey. But then my entertainers come up with something new.

Playing ring around the rosey after I put pony tails in each of their hair. That is such a rare occasion we had to take pictures. Oh These long short days of motherhood. I do t remember the crisis of sitting or the strain of New baby care but I hope I remember all the love and energy of these little people in my home.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

10.12.16 fiddlin' around

There is little music instruction in our schools. We were delighted to have a fiddle player come to town to instruct the children in the art of fiddling. The kids were blessed with several opportunities for learning. When we found he was just cooped up in a local hotel we decided to be brave and have him out for dinner. It was a delightful evening. We learned about living with the gators in the south and got to enjoy some for tappin good music. We all got to try out that ponderous instrument too! It was a memorable evening with a man who deserves sainthood for teaching and enduring so many budding fiddlers. Seriously he was so positive and patient giving each person an individual successful fiddle experience it was awesome.  

Even Afton got to try! She was quite happy to try. That was probably the best part of the evening just getting to try. It's harder than it looks many tongues were hanging out in concentration. But the lead fiddled didn't mind kids touching and trying to make music. He accompanied with guitar which helped set the rhythm and made the fiddle sawing musical. Brilliant and charitable teaching!

He was of course shocked at our large family but repeatedly remarked on the love and good people we had here. It's always a nerve wracking prospect to have people in our home but the positive feelings far outweighed the nervous preparations. Now all the kids want lessons and fiddles...
He ended the evening showing us a genuine gator tooth. I sure am glad we don't have to deal with those!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

10.4.16 apple harvest

Fall harvest is upon us. This time of year is overwhelming and humbling. From the onions and potatoes to the apples and squash we are rounding out the year of produce. This past weekend we spent some time outdoors enjoying the peaceful quiet of a local orchard. We picked 1000's of pounds of apples and have been enjoying them ever since.

Mark harvesting red delicious apples. They are not my favorite in the store but man right off the tree they are pretty delicious and juicy.

Aliza cajoling Afton to smile or come to her for a picture. She is finally feeling better. We have had the respiratory flu here and it is not fun. Thankfully it passes slowly!! But this poor kiddo definitely got it the worst going on week 3 and she is still not 100%. Thank goodness no one else has got sick  that badly. I learned just how much of  a major contributor she is here with her being out of order. She pulls a major part of the load here. Because Bruce has been slow in getting going I have really needed the kids a lot and it was a really hard time to have her down. The others had to be more responsible which they managed but it has not been a smooth road. It was a nice morning spent outside our normal sphere enjoying visiting with some neighbors and working together to complete a large task. Good times.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

10-4-16 didnt work

To follow up on the bone soup... We had chicken legs on monday. I really wanted the bones! I was so excited to share this wholesome goodness with Greg because he was getting the respiratory flu we've all endured. Perfect timing to make him well and a believer in this amazing drink.
 It was late after everyone got done eating and so after throwing the bones in a pot I turned it on medium to get it boiling and proceeded to bed. Yes thats correct I totally forgot and went to bed. Well about 1:30 am the sick husband woke from a strange dream about smoke and bad smells to find smoke and a stinking pot of burned bones about to ignite on the stove. So much for a good nights sleep... So our house smells worse than a campfire, my pot is ruined and I'm sure Greg will not be drinking stock in any form anytime soon. Thank goodness I didn't burn the house down and it's time for new batteries in the smoke alarm.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

10.2.16 keep on going

These days my time is spent looking at this guy. Just like this. Hours and hours sitting trying to calmly nurse my baby. Obviously being a very old lady with a lot going on this has been a much more difficult task than I remember last time. ( although my better remembering half says this is pretty much our normal for all our babies).

Yet however hard, frustrating, tear enducing it is to just sit and sit there are moments even now that make it all good.

 Conference. I use to sleep with Harold on my chest. It was the only way he would truly rest. He enjoyed trying his skills with little Brucey. Bruce isn't super comfortable with lots of commotion, but he is pretty calm with Harold and Anna caring for him. I just appreciate a small break in holding him.

At pack meeting. We were noting the size differences. Livy is half Harold's size and Bruce is about a tenth.

I was really struck with elder uctdorfs talk about faith and how it's not making God do what you want but doing what God asks and having his help. I knew over 8 years ago we would have 11 kids. I've wondered who and what they would be. It is amazing to have 11 kids in my home. It is challenging and humbling. It is so good too. I appreciate all the kind support from dinners, to herbs, to words of affirmation and love. So many family and friends have kept this experience from becoming a full on train wreck. My kiddos have been completely normal and fantastic.
We are surviving and so grateful for all the  kind angels in our midst. Thank you.