Sunday, October 16, 2016

10.16.16 my lap

I spend most my days sitting. Often like this. A pile of kids jockey-ing for a spot and snuggle. 

Sometimes they do tricks or read me stories. Or show me new things they have found.

 I love my view. These little feet are so cute and time consuming! Soeyimes I feel like in going crazy. Sitting and sitting and anxiously watching for any signs of chub on this cutey. But then my entertainers come up with something new.

Playing ring around the rosey after I put pony tails in each of their hair. That is such a rare occasion we had to take pictures. Oh These long short days of motherhood. I do t remember the crisis of sitting or the strain of New baby care but I hope I remember all the love and energy of these little people in my home.

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