Thursday, October 6, 2016

10.4.16 apple harvest

Fall harvest is upon us. This time of year is overwhelming and humbling. From the onions and potatoes to the apples and squash we are rounding out the year of produce. This past weekend we spent some time outdoors enjoying the peaceful quiet of a local orchard. We picked 1000's of pounds of apples and have been enjoying them ever since.

Mark harvesting red delicious apples. They are not my favorite in the store but man right off the tree they are pretty delicious and juicy.

Aliza cajoling Afton to smile or come to her for a picture. She is finally feeling better. We have had the respiratory flu here and it is not fun. Thankfully it passes slowly!! But this poor kiddo definitely got it the worst going on week 3 and she is still not 100%. Thank goodness no one else has got sick  that badly. I learned just how much of  a major contributor she is here with her being out of order. She pulls a major part of the load here. Because Bruce has been slow in getting going I have really needed the kids a lot and it was a really hard time to have her down. The others had to be more responsible which they managed but it has not been a smooth road. It was a nice morning spent outside our normal sphere enjoying visiting with some neighbors and working together to complete a large task. Good times.

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