Thursday, December 15, 2016

12.15.16 A well Matched Pair

In the olden days great esteem was given to two horses who could work together. When a team overcame individual effort and instead focused on working in perfect synchronization it was a beautiful event. However few teams achieved this harmony and with the invent of the precise automobile we have lost that constant reminder of working together for the common good.
Lately my two powerhouse children, almost hands down my most determined kids, have started working together.
This is cause for rejoicing and jaw dropping awe. These two have been feisty since before I knew them. They have been frustrating and so challenging to wait on as the slowly grew-up. Yet a new development has occurred. Nothing is too hard for them or out of their reach. And I use that word nothing in complete understanding of it's all encompassing scope.

Snow has been falling in abundance lately. This happens a few times a year here. These two were the only ones dressed for the conditions without a mountain of homework to process. They worked together for several hours scraping and dumping snow. When they came home they were a tema. They had found their rhythm. Addie sees the way to get it done and directs Mark's efforts and attentions to the project. Viola! Task complete. I am so excited. I love as the kids grow into their spirits. When their bodies begin to catch up with the eternal nature of who they are. These two will achieve great things if they can continue to work together. For that I'm thankful because I've been feeling very overwhelmed and I've been hoping for an organized kid. She's here and she brought reinforcements!! We are blessed and life is good. And our tree is up although yet to be decorated. Merry Christmas. 

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