Friday, December 2, 2016

12.2.16 Some holiday cheer

An ambitious sister in-law shared her aspiration of creating some holiday cards for FHE. I love to do art projects with my kiddos! I spent some time on my favorite art site  printed instructions and we gathered pencils, sharpies, crayons and paint and had a great time. 

The biggest ailment of the winter season is loneliness and the near neighbor depression. So many people are alone. Admittedly I can hardly fathom that condition it is easy to share some love, thoughts, and prayers. We had a good time taking cards to friends and teachers. The little girls were adamant that they hand deliver their cards. Millie and Afton to their church teacher "grandpa" Johnson. And Livy to her friend "Randy."

My dad is and grandfather was a great example of handing out cards. A birthday was not complete without a card or so my grandfather felt. My dad sends gracious inspiring cards. And my lovely grandmother still sends a Christmas card- always a delightful treat for the kiddos to open a piece of mail. The other grandmother painted pictures and printed them into cards. Her artistic creations of love and friendship enable us to share her heart and eye for beauty for years to come.

Yes in our day of instant communication a snail mail card is a lovely little listing of friendship and concern. Often comforting, sometimes comical they are a high spot of any day. Now to find envelopes and get them mailed before I forget. Merry Christmas to you this day.

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