Monday, December 19, 2016

12.19.16 You're gonna miss this?!?!

Monday's are r & r days for me. I need the rest, rejuvenation, and lots of responsibility on things like laundry and dishes. I've given up on vacuuming. For my littles I think r & d are the right letters to characterize their Monday plans. Research what possibilities there are for entertainment. Research what new loot has been brought home and stashed by the big kids and above all destroy order, evidence, and tranquility I might dream of.

Today was no exception. I was wiped out from an emotional hangover from a very stressful weekend culminating with a confrontation with some men working with my son's. I was done today. Just bound by tiredness to my home or I may have slipped away to some unknown destination.
From my front door knob refusing to rotate open to utter chaos everywhere it was a draining day from the start.

I found 6 mountains of laundry waiting- that explained the missing sock mystery and why no one had socks this morning. I set about to tackle that chore and on the driers first minute of work it roared an ominous roar then smoked and died! I'm so glad I was in the room before flames ignited my cramped wash room. 
I had left the little girls upstairs peeling eggs for egg sandwiches- they are good at this. I knew I was risking them eating all the lunch before I got any but was intent on the laundry situation. 
While hanging laundry I heard splashing and noticed frequent clothes changes. I was trying to get the clothes up and situated before Bruce setup a howl professing his hunger pains. When I went upstairs past bowls of Christmas present cereal opened on the steps and remains of cinnamon roll gifts...I witnessed the crime scene. ( I had a picture here, I deleted it on accident.)
I found Afton in a full sink of water sitting next to an equally full sink which I found Livy baling an ice cream bucket of water out of to pour on herself.  Millie was poised leg in air to get into that  adjoining sink. 
 They were playing swimming! 
Afton was complete with messy diaper having a ball. It was one of those days. After cleanup and drying off and some more cinnamon rolls instead of eggs for lunch, I put a few to nap and took one myself. I think I'm rested enough to survive the rushed week. The song on the radio while I carted 4 baskets full of wet clothes to the laundromat to dry was ,"You're gonna miss this..." so I wrote it down to remember. The laundromat was heaven all those dryers it took an hour. Annan and Addie studied and colored. The pigs got loaded at home and we survived. Bruce is now laughing and is extremely cute when he is getting what he wants (read HELD). Tomorrow is another day hopefully with a lot less water although it's suppose to snow. But the trade off is it's warmer and so my front door is more operable. Good times not sure I will miss them or not. Merry Christmas. 
Selfies in-between messes. 

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