Sunday, September 22, 2019

9.22.19 Family Reunion

Labor day found us like most Americans taking a break from our labors and enjoying some rest and relaxation. We traveled the short distance to the Twin Falls area to enjoy time with family. The kids look forward to reunions for months ahead. There was plenty of activity to keep everyone busy and happy for the few days we were there. 
The family dinner. 

John always finds something to climb. He did very well on this balancing line. 

Family meeting listening to grandpa Saunders. He has a gentle way with all his grandkids they adore him. 63? grandkids maybe now?

Mary Flake, Millie Saunders, and Kolton Saunders.

At the lake enjoying some surfing instruction.

Lia enjoying some new toys.

Addie documenting her presence. She is the only grandchild in her year on both sides the family. That is truly rare!! I think there are as many as 7 in a year on the Saunders side and 4 on the Corn so to be alone is truly an outlyer.
Another year in the books it was good to get away and relax for a few hours, next year we will host in Vale.

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