Wednesday, September 25, 2019

9.25.19 Learning

We are learning in so many directions. Harold is playing football and we have been trying to come up with a quick yet sustaining and non-nauseating pregame food item. So far peanut butter and honey with banana sandwich with some milk or jar of peaches has been his choice. This day he forgot his sandwich. Bruce was delighted to find his favorite sandwich in a bag ready for consumption. I let him eat it and bought ingredients at the store for Harold to have one.  I wasn't going to then relented I can't let my kids go hungry. The cashier got after me saying he would never become responsible.... I made bread at home the next time and took him a sandwich before the next game too. But I didn't have to answer to anyone so it was fine. He is juggling a lot of responsibility right now and his mother feeding him is not the powder on his face that some might classify it to be. 

Further coaching by my kids came from Anna from a job shadow. She informed me the young kids need to get out more and experience social learning environments to be prepared for public education. So we have made more of an effort to go to the library. This is our favorite kid place in Ontario. They are patient have fun toys and sometimes we even land on story hour day. 

Reed has had an abundant harvest from his garden. I am so pleased with his continuous effort and the amount of spaghetti sauce we have persevered this year. We have done all I needed and then some. 

This brand of tomato, no idea what it is, is huge! Like a large fuji apple. We blend them all up and cook them for about 10 hours then bottle and pressure cook them.

And because the sign made me laugh and I Was all alone I treated myself to a dilly bar. Of course, I Was headed back to the hoard of kids that always accompany me and that small bar was devoured in seconds as they all took a bite. Oh life is so good with so many to love!

All learning in individual and communal ways. I thankful for opportunities and diversity. And quick breaks. As I type and the din is deafening I really appreciate quiet time in the car, sometimes I just sit there when I get home from some place and enjoy the quiet, then I take a deep breath and come in to be the adult in charge. I am blessed.

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