Saturday, September 21, 2019

9.19.19 Moving Up

As the enw school year begins I have to remind myself that even though I have the same number of kids living here they are each moving up in ability. This lady took a turn washing dishes!!! That is huge. There seems to be a never ending pile of dishes at our house, the kitchen can be clean for about half an hour before another meal or canning item is started on. UGH! Discouraging, but we are very blessed with generous friends and a plentiful harvest.

This lady also decided to help taste the beans my sister in law shared. She is adamant about doing things herself. She has developed her own unique look in the last month and is generally sweet. She also moved out of my room after a night of non stop crying. Nothing I did helped so she moved out and worked it out herself! we are both doing well with that adjustment. 

Bruce has also really come into his own lately. He turned three and blossomed into a charming silly boy. Three is such a fun age for little boys. Here he's showing his silly hair probably thanks to a sister. 
And wrestling with Mark. He is never one to back down from a challenge. He thinks he's as big and strong as any of his brothers or sisters for that matter. We are working on him being softer with Alia. 

Reed the kind big brother always has time and a spot for Lia on his lap. She is a big baby and Reed is strong. He is also super hard on pants in the last month he has ripped two pairs such that they cant be fixed. This pair also looks like it needs to be trashed. He's all boy!

 And Anna is Bruces special buddy. The little kids love when the school kids come home. Bruce roams the house at night waiting for Anna to be ready to go to bed. I think it is good for all of them to love and care for each other.

As Anna begins thinking and planning for her next year it has been a heavy hearted project for both of us. What will we ever do without her here? I hate when my kids leave, I feel slightly off kilter. I'm sure we will get use to the new normal and we are super pleased with the young lady she has become, but its going to be a big change to have her move on. Life is good and we are blessed.

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