Saturday, September 21, 2019

9.24.19 Little's at home

Last week I really wanted to listen to President Russell M. Nelson's devotional. I also felt like I needed to play just a bit with the kids that are here. I use to occasionally do that, but rarely make time for it these days of laundry and dishes. So we set down to play blocks which happened to be out on the floor. I turned on the devotional and thought we would have a peaceful hour. It almost worked out. 

Looking good towers and colors discussed. Lots of nurturing and sweet listening. Until baby shows up intent on playing too!! Oh I forgot the stress this cuases and quickly remembered why we don't play blocks here. Watching happy toddlers... then

Crash towers come down sister wants the train.

The melt down. the tears for minutes upon minutes. The sister looking for more to destroy...

We go back to doing laundry.

Kids pickup the toys and put them away. Mom gives them a movie and takes a break from high energy kids.  We tried, we succeeded fro a while and then we moved on back to normal cuz normal is what it takes to keep the show going.

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