Thursday, January 21, 2021

1.21.21 Bows

I have shared a few pictures over the years of my guys small pastime of archery. We are blessed to know a true craftsman who instructed the boys in making custom bows. That was a priceless experience. The boys were beautiful and awesome. However these guys grew, and their muscles continue to increase, and those bows snapped like twigs. Literally. So sad and though the bows were increased to the maximum of their ability they were still snapping like twigs.

Sharing with Grandma and Grandpa Saunders after church one Sunday this summer. 

This week I woke to a very happy Bruce. The same kind friend had made a bow for Bruce to practice with, with Harold's help. He had also fashioned or shared a much more sturdy fiberglass bow with Harold. Bruce called Harold and asked him to come home to shoot. He did not make it that day but the next day they had a ball shooting bows and arrows. 

We are continually blessed by generous friends. Another gave us some of her dress up supplies that her kids have just matured out of. Delight! Can you see the excitement on their faces?
We are thankful for those who share their happiness and life passions with us. These are golden moments. Families are made up of moments some are terrible, some are just glorious. we hold onto the good, learn from the others. We are so blessed. 

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