Sunday, March 7, 2021

3.6.21 Spring Football

Last week had a twisted return to normal. Harold and John got to play football games. They both are really enjoying the team part of football. These pictures are in reverse chronological order. The first picture is of Harold and his good friend Brock just after they won their first game against Baker. 
Harold plays every time the offense is in the game. He makes a large wall or hole depending on the need. He is a strong player. John is number 65 he watched from the sidelines but I loved watching him interact with guys his age. This was a tough battle the teams pushed each other back and forth across the field. Finally, Vale was able to make some lucky breaks and turn the tide in their favor scoring two touchdowns in quick succession. Most pictures are courtesy of Angie Aldred a fellow mom with a great camera. 

Offense getting ready to take over. 
I watched the game alone socially distanced on the mostly empty bleachers. I'm not much for the outdoors in the late winter. The game was windy but comfortable. We parents tried to cheer loud to help the guys know how we enjoyed and appreciated their efforts.  My own selfie, 
Check out that big 68- He usually pushes up against number 75.  but this time was offsides. 
At the end of the tunnel at the beginning of the game. All pumped up at the beginning of the contest.  

Making a tackle. 


John at the power spot of the tunnel getting ready to headbash a team mate. Some of these football traditions are just silly. he said it gave him a headache. I'm sure it did. I love his milk white legs. I think that's part of how Harold got the nick name milk man. 
John played in Baker. We were able to watch via Facebook. I was shivering for him the entire game. Mark kept telling me it was balmy and he was fine. Notice other people all in sweatshirts and coats. My red head was not. I was astounded by the huge stadium. Surely people could have socially distanced there. Screen shots taken while watching the game. John plays defense. 

And Harold showing off his custom mouth guard thanks to Atkinson dental. This free service is provided each year by my generous dentist friend Jacob Atkinson. 

 And that's a wrap. After a year of cancelling life and squashing hope a week of contests was nice. The JV lost their game by 7. The Varsity won 21-12. We will take this season one game at a time, always praying for safety. Harold reported he has lost 18 lbs since starting practice. That is amazing to loose so much so quickly. The field is no longer snowy and the grass is greening up life marches on! We are blessed. 

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