Tuesday, August 30, 2022

8.23.22 Papas Birthday

On fast sunday we try to gather for a family testimony meeting. The kids know what is expected and they know how to bear a testimony. The gathering is slower than the actual event. 

Andrea loves her brothers. Watching her interact with them makes me smile. They love to lift her, throw her, and make her smile with their funny faces. I'm thankful to have a baby in the house for them to love. 
Lia and mom snuggling after church. She doesn't get to be the little kid very often. Aliza fills in lots of nurturing gaps, she was gone this day to her single adult ward. 

After some songs and testimonies we rested a bit then headed to my parents to celebrate my dads birthday. The kids love to play with different toys, the delicious food, and cousins.
A long stretch of cement sidewalk is heavenly and so fun to play on. 

The girls in an old playhouse of course they are diligently working to make it clean. Funny these same girls probably don't like to clean much at home.

Another added draw of grandmas are all the places to go imagine. It's quite and beautiful with hideaways all over. 

We are working on getting Reed to keep his face uncovered for pictures. Now to work on keeping his tongue in his mouth. Millie loves the monkey bars. 
Afton is nver one to be out done she too loves to swing like a bat. 

 We are thankful to able to gather and relax. We are so thankful for our papa for his love and concern for each of us, for his generous heart, his wisdom and example. Life is moving fast it was a great end to fair week. We are blessed.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

8.22.22 Fair

We have been running trying to keep up with the life we live. I took pictures along the way and finally with almost everyone back in school I can take a few minutes or hours and catalog the life we have been living. The kids are good sports and find ways to be cute and happy all the time. 

One of the best parts of fair is the teamwork. The small animal barn is a condensed group of exhibitors compared to the other species. Livy and John helped the other participants weigh in their animals. 

After weighing in all the chickens were washed. 

A fellow FFA member lined up club members and styled their hair. Addie's thick locks were styled into elaborate braids. 

Addie did well showing she was called back to the champion showmanship round. She spent a lot of time at the fair and did a fantastic job taking care of all the animals. 

Reed does a great job raising pigs. His care and attention routinely raises the largest pig of the bunch for himself. 

The kids got to hold some bunnies and came away with large scratches. They learned that though the bunnies are soft they are very serious with their sharp claws. 
Show day was a success. Livy did a great job getting all the chickens up to weight for the fair. 

Success John won overall market champion chickens. He was also champion showman and reserve overall champion showman. 

Mark made show day just in time as he was keeping the farm going. The other kids went early and got everything ready and he showed up dressed and stepped into the ring. As soon as he was finished he returned home to take care of the pivots and animals back on the farm. 
I was tired!!! Andrea was hot. We survived. I was so thankful to be able to come home and rest. 
We enjoyed the first sweet corn of the year. It is delicious. 

A great way to end the day a plate full of corn and a burger. We have fallen in love with instant pot baked potatoes with ranch. Dinner is delicious in the summer. 

My guys read whenever they are at the table they do a lot outside and relish the time to sit and relax. 
The sale John sold first of all the animals. 

Next up round robing small animal. Rabbits, chickens, guinea pig, dog, and pygmy goat. 

Andrea was asleep as soon as we got on the road. She is such a good sport about the all the activity that is her life. 
The command center the kitchen sink full of dishes. Keeping people alive is my job and a lot of that includes water to cook and clean. I'm always doing dishes.  I'm thankful for so much food to feed my family.
Bruce living his best life these are otter pop tops. He drinks the juice or enjoys it frozen. The perk of being #11, I guess. 
John showing his prize haul, two belt buckles, hat, plack, yeti tumbler. 

 Fair was intense I hurt my back and neck from carrying Andrea in the front pack after two days of that I could not any more. My body tells me when it has had enough. So we stayed home and moved cautiously. I cried from pain and frustration. I cried for not being able to be the mom to all my children but having to choose and trust all was ok. I'm finding tears are the outlet for the enormous strain of carrying the farming, mechanic, mothering, wife load that is my life. 

The fair sale was enormously generous. All did really well. The kids had a great time socializing and reaping rewards for their months of effort. We were again blessed to associate with great families. So although we were unsure of how to manage the week we were blessed to find a way and still experience awards. The younger kids got blue ribbons on all their exhibits, they were pleased!