Tuesday, August 30, 2022

8.23.22 Papas Birthday

On fast sunday we try to gather for a family testimony meeting. The kids know what is expected and they know how to bear a testimony. The gathering is slower than the actual event. 

Andrea loves her brothers. Watching her interact with them makes me smile. They love to lift her, throw her, and make her smile with their funny faces. I'm thankful to have a baby in the house for them to love. 
Lia and mom snuggling after church. She doesn't get to be the little kid very often. Aliza fills in lots of nurturing gaps, she was gone this day to her single adult ward. 

After some songs and testimonies we rested a bit then headed to my parents to celebrate my dads birthday. The kids love to play with different toys, the delicious food, and cousins.
A long stretch of cement sidewalk is heavenly and so fun to play on. 

The girls in an old playhouse of course they are diligently working to make it clean. Funny these same girls probably don't like to clean much at home.

Another added draw of grandmas are all the places to go imagine. It's quite and beautiful with hideaways all over. 

We are working on getting Reed to keep his face uncovered for pictures. Now to work on keeping his tongue in his mouth. Millie loves the monkey bars. 
Afton is nver one to be out done she too loves to swing like a bat. 

 We are thankful to able to gather and relax. We are so thankful for our papa for his love and concern for each of us, for his generous heart, his wisdom and example. Life is moving fast it was a great end to fair week. We are blessed.

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