Monday, August 1, 2022

8.1.22 Learning to work

Everyday the kids have been pulling weeds in the corn fields. They are not too hard to pull but it does take effort. Remember the part about having meaningful work to do this is what it looks like. A big pile of weeds that goes to the cows for breakfast every morning. 

Cleaning the neighbors bubbler. They were so excited to get paid to do this chore for him. 
Learning to mow the lawn. Yes its a huge lawn and that's a little mower. We literally mow the tires right off of them. But there's a lot of energy needing a place to be burned. Afton is learning, Bruce is learning. 
Livy has learned and is now supervising... or resting. 

First shared tomatoes a week ago. 
Setting up the handlines a few weeks ago. Love them all working together. We live in a beautiful place. 

 My heart swells with love and gratitude for the assurance that comes from being wanted and part of the team. We are a family team. We yell at each other and call names, scratch and hit and yet there is common understanding we are all doing a part. It's not fun or easy to do any of these jobs alone. We're are working to be nicer, more patient, more charitable. We are also growing and becoming more like we would want to work with, trying to exercise the golden rule more often. Life is good together! I hope with all my heart my children choose to someday have families and can work together and depend on each other. I truly believe these are eternal lessons. 

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