Monday, August 1, 2022

8.2.22 Fair prep days

Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s a day you’ve had everything to do and you’ve done it.- Margaret Thatcher Quote.
Fair started a bit early this year. I got a text at the end or primary saying the FFA needed help as the blacktop was being sealed and there would be no access to the school until after the fair was well underway. This is the younger kids setting semi-still while I thought and figured out how to help. Important note Greg and kids had literally been up all night fixing pivot and fighting moss. Greg had went home to continue keeping the water going in this 107 degree heat. 

The younger ones went home the rest of us went to help get all the decorations and fair stuff loaded up and ready for the week.
After some rest the kids ate dinner and began assembling wheat sheaves from wheat we had growing on our farm. I love when we can work together. 

I told them it had to be as big as they could hold. One to hold one to select and stuff. 
Merle enjoyed cutting and tearing with his scissors on the floor. He and Andrea are so good at just rolling with whatever is going on. 
After staying up late with Mark taking the hour by hour cleaning of the moss we were up early to do it again and start on fair prep. The animal people went to decorate, Aliza drove and went to work. Mark and Reed continued the moss battle made worse by the ditch company dredging the ditch. That will eventually help but we went from hour by hour to every ten to twenty minutes of complete plugging of our headgates. 

Afton and I made zucchini bread. The one on one time is very rare like maybe only yearly. But we had a good time and she made very beautiful bread. 

Bruce woke up next and we made browned butter cookies. They are so good!! 

Millie and grandma Saunders had been conversing about cupcakes they had plan be at grandmas at 7am with softened butter. Millie forgot the softening part but it worked out. 2.5 hours later I called asking where they were at. They were frosting and boy did they go all out.  They had a great time using a variety of methods and designs. 

They tasted as good as they looked. Unfortunately the effort was spoiled a bit by the heat. Buttercream melts easily in 100 plus degrees. Oh well the experience was delightful! Afton got to help decorate as well. 

Here at home I did laundry and dishes and pondered what else we could enter. Merle loves our extra water supply. He loves to fill containers and dump them. Lovely boy. 

The kids reminded me we have a sunflower patch. I cant see it from my house I asked for a ride. This is what I saw. I wish I could share the sound of so many happy bees. Truly sunflowers are a haven for those mighty insects. 

Although these aren't a giant variety towering over 12 feet these are only 3-6 feet tall. Yet the leaves are enormous. 

We love to spend time with Mark. 
Unusual 4 head cluster. 
Not sure what we are going to do with these. If the scientist doesn't take them I was thinking about selling them per head to people for wild bird feed, home chicken flocks, squirrels? That's in a few months. 

We headed to town with photos, paintings, jams, canned fruits and vegetables, wheat sheaves, and food. I took 3 kids and met up with 2. Addie was already in process of getting us numbers and registered. I traded her great help with a lunch from home. We worked for over and hour getting the first load entered. Then we went and gathered two more items and some picture mats to enter the next round. After a few errands we got home a mere 6 hours later. UGH! I was so tired and hot and sore. I so hope that the forecast predicting a slight cool down is true. I do not like melting away in sweat pools. In between all the running and gathering we drank water texted, tried to talk with Anna and endured. 

Fair is a good experience showcasing a the agricultural life we fully live. I hope it's worth the efforts. I hope I can hold up. I hope it goes well and the farm is not lost in this week. We shall see. We are blessed. 

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