Thursday, September 7, 2023

9.7.23 Back to school

August was very full of heat, break downs, work, and responsibilities. With the heat I had no extra energy or positive words. We also had the looming return of Harold which has been great but was another life change to manage. In spite of all that life rolled on and the kids headed back to school.
The five at Willowcreek. Merle really misses Bruce. Boys are not meant to be alone.  
The three at high school. Yes John is posing to show off his muslces. Someday maybe Mark will smile again. As a little boy he had so much joy and huge smiles as a teen I mostly get that look. 
I went and looked at the garden after they left I found this monster under some leaves. 
The day before we didn't sit and worry we canned and put food up for winter. The girls harvesting beans in the amazing bean patch. 
We also brought sweet corn home. 
My diligent crew did this without my help. All I do is pick and drive, then fill the bags and date them. Missing is Addie's blaring music and all the water involved in corn processing. The kids enjoy this chore quite a bit.  

Afton was the lone shucker for a while. 
My helper curious Georgie. She  loves textures and being big. Truly this is the smallest flour mess any of the kids have made at that age. She is pretty content to be under my feet most of the day. I get tired of tripping over her but enjoy her sweet babblings. 

 When my mom asked in early July if I had started school shopping I was agast thinking it was far too early to tackle such a project, but I started within a day of that conversation and was able to have everything here long before school. I was thankful to have a plan and help from her and my sister. Thus back to school was just another thing and not a major stress. It takes a lot of time and thinking to clothe and school supply everyone. 

I'm thankful for each kiddo and the growth the achieved and worked for this summer. It is strangely peaceful and yet so overwhelming working alone while they are gone. I have been listening to self-improvement books and set a habit to walk each morning at 7:30 am. So far so good. One small change and one investment in my future. I don't have space for that when everyone is here. I also realized as I was feeling the normal tear apart of going back to school. That possibly this was silly to fight it so hard as this is our life 9 months out of the year. So adapt we did and here we are managing the movement of our crew. I'm thankful to have three at home to love and liven up my days. Life is good. 

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