Monday, February 10, 2014

2.10.14 The Snow Miracle

This weekend we got over 10 inches of snow!! It is a Miracle. We appreciate the opportunity to serve with our neighbors and friends of different faiths. It has been so awesome to share the blessing of having our faith strengthened. This weekend was a game changer for the farm and economic outlook for the West Coast. How thankful I am to be part of this very HUGE miracle that occurred as a result of faith, prayers, and fasting of many faithful people of many denominations. It is beautiful to share in petitioning our God for Divine intervention on our behalf.

A few years ago, while I was talking to Greg he mentioned a little widow lady cleaning the sidewalks of snow around the Catholic Church.  From that small moment he has taken the responsibility to keep the Catholic Parish sidewalks free of snow. Now thanks to Uncle Don Saunders of we are much more efficient and able to cover the Christian Church, Mormon church, and Methodist Church, and some random neighbors. The boys and Greg spent well over 10 hours moving snow this weekend.

While the boys were gone shoveling, the girls and I got busy working on a service project making fleece blankets for teenage foster kids. Unfortunately, I did not get pictures of the girls sewing and cutting them but rather of the boys working on their blanket. We did 5 in all, with the possibility of 3 more. Shopping Joann's is always a riot with all 9 kids.

 We also remembered Alivia's 2 birthday. Actually, Addie remembered and was the first to give her a gift. Addie selected a book from our shelves found all the wrapping supplies and wrapped her a present that she opened first thing in the morning. Livy was delighted and looked through the book throughout the day.

 When the boys and I got home the second time from shoveling town - it snowed all day long! We quickly made a delicious chocolate cake. With chocolate cream frosting. Yum! We sang and she blew out her candles. I'm sure our small children think we are crazy lighting perfectly good food on fire. 

On Sunday we quickly decided to host a birthday party for Mark and Livy with the families. So we quickly cooked and cooked- it was the first time I didn't have enough oven space and had to use grandma Sue's too. 3 pans of homemade hamburger buns, 3 plates of cinnamon rolls, two cakes, two pans of roasted potatoes, and hamburgers was more than we could get done in an hour and a half. Mark was delighted and we had a good time with our aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.

Two views of our house after all the snow. The snow slipping off the roof curling under just waiting for some victim to cover or bury in cold wet snow was pretty awesome. It did not get anybody because Harold kept slamming  doors to get the snow to drop. It was pretty impressive to watch it thump down.

We are reading Little Britches by Ralph Moody as a family. If you haven't read these and like farm stories at all I encourage you to check them out from the library. They are wholesome, wise, funny, entertaining and great stories similar to Little House on the Prairie
Best to you all.

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